Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 ━━ No Exit

Chapter 10 ━━ No Exit

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Lorna wakes up on a sofa of the Salvatore boarding house, her shirt still soaked with her own blood.

"Oh. Look who's awake. How do you feel?" Kai asks, making her mentally groan. 


"Like you shot me with a few arrows." She rolls her eyes.

"Right. Anyhoo, I have no idea how you managed to shatter the ascendant into a billion pieces, but we need to put it together before the eclipse at 12:28. You want to help?" Kai asks.

"I don't want to help. You're a psychopath. This place is your prison. I'm not letting you out. Besides, you'll just kill me the minute we get out." Lorna states.

"You've been through a trauma. Your memory's probably a little fuzzy right now, so you might be thinking that your magic will protect you, but all I have to do is hold your hand, and your magic suddenly becomes mine." Kai starts to channel her magic aggressively making her wince, weak from her injury. Why isn't she healing?

"What was that? Huh? What? You're gonna do the spell and finally get us home?" Kai questions and Lorna stabs Kai in the neck with a pen. He drops to the floor and passes out, and she scoops the pieces of the Ascendant into her bag and escapes.

Limping inside the Mystic falls hospital, Lorna finds a supply cabinet. "Antibiotics. Painkillers."

She swallows a few pills and replaces the bandage on her abdomen, almost crying from the pain. She looks at the clock as she reassembles the Ascendant - it's 10:45.

"An hour and 43 minutes. I can do this." She assures herself and continues working on reassembling the Ascendant, hurrying. She has all the pieces she brought in place. "Where's the last piece? Where is it? This isn't happening." 

The power shuts off inside the hospital. She walks out into the corridor, cautiously. 

Kai appears, holding the missing piece of the Ascendant. "Looking for this? You stole the ascendant, naughty girl. You weren't planning on using and leaving me behind, were you? You left a trail of blood in the driveway. Figured where else would you stop and play nurse?"


The spell explodes glass and sends carts and debris flying at Kai before Lorna turns and runs, trying to leave the hospital when the first door is locked. But she gets out another way. She tries to use her vampire speed, but for some reason she can't. It looks like her vampire side is paralyzed. She finds Damon's car and gets in, turns the keys, but the ignition won't catch. 

Kai appears behind her in the backseat, putting his hands around her throat. 

Lorna struggles against him. "Aah! Unh! Get off me!"

Kai talks creepily close to her ear. "I thought about taking the keys, but that'd be like taking the cheese out of a mousetrap, right, Lorna? Although, you know, fun fact. Mice don't actually like cheese. Isn't that great? Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. So we have an hour until the eclipse. It's time to go home, Lorna."

For a moment later, Lorna finds herself in a cave underground, facing away from Kai.

"I brought you a present." Kai opens up his bag as she turns round.

"Ta-da! Ms Cuddles! Thought you might want to bring her along to surprise your cousin."

"Thanks." Lorna takes Ms Cuddles from him.

"I know you think I'm a monster. I mean, I did murder or heavily maim most of my immediate family, but after a long period of self-reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I could have handled my anger better." Kai explains.

"You said you wanted to get out of here... And I quote...,'To give the rest of the Gemini coven an excruciating death."

"I didn't mean it. Honestly, I would do anything to get my family back, and the thing I'm most scared of is trying to figure out how to live in the world again. Sort of hoping you've been a positive influence on me. You're a good person, Lorna. You're brave, loyal, patient. I want to be more like you." Kai uses a high-pitched voice for Ms Cuddles. "What do you say? Friends?"

"When did that friendzone come to your sociopathic mind?" Lorna asks him with a blank expression on her face.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"No." She says with a serious face.

"Smart girl." He smiles. "But come on, I just want us to be friends."

"Funny." She scoffs. "That's the last thing I want us to be."

"We'll be good partners, you know?" He says.

"Will you stop your rambling?" Lorna asks him. "I'm over you."

"You're over me?" He uses his cocky voice. "When were you under me?"

Lorna scoffs dramatically and gives him a death glare. "Just shut up, okay?!"

"Okay." He raises his hands in defence with an innocent look.

"Let's just go home. I can't wait to get rid of your stupidness." Lorna says and Kai smiles while taking out the Ascendant, giving it to her.

"It's now or never."

Lorna cuts her hand and drips blood on the Ascendant just as Bonnie did last time. She starts to chant when Kai abruptly grabs her arm. She looks at him confusedly while chanting. "Sangina Mearma..."

"Just in case you thought you'd try to go without me." Kai tells whilst a drop of blood lands on Ms Cuddles as she continues chanting the spell. The Ascendant clicks as the eclipse begins overhead.

Lorna continues chanting. "Sangina Mearma, Ascendarum Cavea. Sangina Mearma, Ascendarum Cavea. Sangina Mearma, Ascendarum Cavea. Sangina Mearma, Ascendarum Cavea."

"So long, 1994." Kai mumbles.

She alters the spell at the last minute. "Sangina Mearma, un magica."

"What the hell's happening?" Kai asks looking around to see that something appears to go wrong with the Ascendant as they are still in the cave.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"Keep going. Hurry." Kai demands.

"I can't."

"Keep going!" Kai yells at her.

"I can't. I've lost my magic." She says.

"What are you talking about? You were just doing the spell." Kai grabs her arms and he looks at her incredulously. "There's nothing there. There's no magic." 

"It's so strange. I wonder if I accidentally put it somewhere. Oh, I remember now. I put it somewhere safe." She smirks triumphantly.

"Where did you put your magic?" Kai asks.

"Do you remember saying you wanted to be more like me... Brave, loyal, patient?" Lorna asks him.

"You put it in the bear, didn't you?" Kai turns and picks up his bag, but Ms Cuddles is gone. 

Kai yells in fury. "Come on! Where's the stupid bear, hmm?"

"Oh, it's gone. I guess we're stuck here forever. Sorry." She gives him an innocent look and that's the last thing she remembers at that moment.

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