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Levi in Upper Media ^

I stared at the girl who was supposedly Toni as she ran up the stairs, her ass jiggling. I am pretty sure there is no way to get rid of her so now I must go and talk to her and try to set ground rules. As I walked up the stairs I started to wonder what it is now going to be like with this fragile girl living in this house.

When I got upstairs I just went down to the largest vacant room and busted it open. There she was, laying on her belly facing the end on this big bed that was a creme colour on the bottom but had a white bed sheet. I looked around the room and was so confused, it was already decorated making me wonder how long she's been here. There was music playing in the room and she was singing softly.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, that you're the one. The one I wake up thinking 'bout."she sang, suddenly she turned around and looked at me "how may i help you" she snapped. I was shocked, i thought she hadn't noticed me.

"We need to talk" I said sternly. She needed to know that I wasn't here to be friend and I really didn't care for her.

She raised a brow in question but followed me out anyway. I almost took her to my office but remembered that I hadn't cleared the space so I brought her into the extra room I had.

"I could make this my personal office" she said quietly in a far away voice.

I honestly couldn't care less about this room, but it was my house and I could not stand the thought of her swooping in and changing things.

"Listen here, you little-

I started off, but she interrupted me.

"There's no need to be rude, babe" she smiled coyly. The way she mockingly looked at me made the anger I felt inside rise to a maximum all I wanted in this moment was to slide my gun right through that hole she uses to speak and shoot.

"No need to be fucking rude, you say. How cute" I laughed. This girl had a lot to learn.

"Ok here's the deal, 1. Do not ever on any occasion enter my room. 2. Don't bother me or any guests I have ever. and lastly 3. Never ever fucking enter that office in the corner. Failure to follow these rules may result in, well let's hope you never have to find out." I smirked confidently.

"Failure to follow these rules." She laughed mockingly. How irritating.

"Basically, leave me alone and i'll leave you alone" I said coldly before walking out and leaving her alone in the room.

Irritated and amused in the slightest I walked out of the house even though I literally just came back. Getting into my Matte Black Audi R8.

I drove to my best friend Aiden's house. Aiden has a lavish mansion and about 4 cars, out of all of us Aiden makes almost as much as the second in command. I on the other hand make more than everyone but know how to save. Pulling into Aiden's driveway his gate keeper, Howard opens the big gate immediately.

I park my car speedily and rush to the front door, before I could ring the bell the door swung open and I ran inside.

"Fuck I am so pissed" I yelled at Aiden.

"Who pissed in your Milo mate" he chuckled. Even I don't understand my sudden anger. The girl wasn't that bad, her snarly remarks sort of amused me and I was amazed by her consistency and her speed with coming up with what she had to say. It was a little refreshing to have some of my attitude thrown back at me but on the other had I was annoyed at the fact that she had a dominating personality that clashes with mine.

"Some bitch living in my house" I growled. I then laughed because I sounded really salty over something that wasn't even that serious. Aiden could tell that I was over it already so he laughed at me and walked with me into his room.

"I could get some info on her if you want" He said. I gave him a slight head nod which he caught at the last minute and got myself comfortable in his bed. He grabbed his laptop and came to sit on the side of his bed.

"Scoot over" He whispered in a voice that I think was supposed to be 'seductive'

"I swear you are so gay" I laughed.

"Only for you baby boy" He replied before we both busted out laughing. "What's her name" He asked and I had to think back. Way back.

"Um, all I remember is Toni with and the last name Royal or some shit" I said as he got under the covers with me and placed the laptop on one of each of our legs.

"Well, with anyone else you would've been fucked but since i'm so amazing here we go" He smirked.

I looked down at the screen and saw her, she was wearing a sun dress and flat shoes with little bows on them. Big dorky glasses adorned her face but behind them you could still see how attractive she was. I started reading the information he found and it was all bout how she's gotten all A's her whole life and was some sort of prodigy and was the oldest of two children, it also said she had a brother but he disappeared and was never found. Apparently, they erased all data of his existence. Even with Aiden's skills we couldn't find any pictures of him or even his name. Strange. Her full first name was Antonella and she was the daughter of Christine and Matthew Royal. They were some prissy rich family that owned a book publishing company called C & M publishing.

Antonella told me she wasn't a good girl but there was no evidence to support that claim. Suddenly Aiden's laptop dinged and a message showed up.


The "Red Angel" was this girl, no one really knows anything other than the fact that her name is Kasey or something. Apparently Kasey, or "Red Angel" has a different colour of hair every month and has lots of tattoos. My gang was on her "good side" at the moment but had to keep tabs on her in case something went wrong.

We had no real problem with her except that she was danger, we weren't really sure what her purpose was but she has killed so many people and it was getting strange at this point.

"What has she done now" I asked Aiden. He gave me that look that meant i wasn't going to like this.

"She has relocated" He said slowly. I looked at him curiously, wondering why that made him so anxious.

"Ok" I said dragging it out in a suspicious tone.

"Um, it says she's moved in with a guy. Who just so happens to live across the street from you" He gulped. It made me nervous that she could get into that house, no one had lived there in 3 years and she just so happens to move in. It terrified me that she could easily kill me any time she wanted.

"The house has been under the name Castiel Moone for the past three years. The only reason I got this information is because the owner recently made it public. There is no trail. Before now no one would be able to access this information but him" He continued. Then looked at me expectantly.

Castiel Moone is my older brother, we didn't get along growing up because he was soft and my dad gave me the gang. After a year of owning the gang Castiel told me we would put our differences behind because he hadn't wanted the gang in the first place. The day he told me that, our mother died and I haven't seen or heard from him since. The last I heard he had graduated with a masters in computer sciences, I tried to contact him to work with Aiden in the gang but he refused my offer. Castiel told me last year that he would be back to see me around this time, I just didn't expect it like this.

My gang, "Blood Rise" was known all over out planet and was known as the most dangerous. I never understood why but then again all the other gangs on this planet do is sell drugs to rich people. In this gang we do everyone else's dirty work for the right price.

"I Wonder what he's doing with her, maybe he works for her" I said in a quiet questioning tone.

"Or maybe he's fucking her" Aiden said with a serious face.

Not Edited

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