Sɦɛ's A Gօօɖ Gɨʀʟ, Sɦɛ's Daɖɖy's Faʋօʊʀɨtɛ

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Antonella in Upper Media ^

My mother has always bee a pain in the arse, as all mothers are. Of course i love her anyway for bringing me into this world. To mummy dearest, i am a 6 year old child who needs care and someone watching me every hour of the day. To her i'm not this 19 year old girl going to Uni, i'm fragile and needy. Some times i wish she really knew but then again i don't. My sister Raynella, she's the baby. Mum's favourite child, I am Daddy's favourite. When we are together i feel like that innocent little child that knew nothing but what your parents told you.

I am a goody-two-shoes, or at least that's what I'm called. There's a lot of nevers, if i ever played never have i ever with my only friend Joanna i would probably lose so bad. I really don't know the rules of that game like do you drink if you have done it or if you haven't, i dunno.

Now, honestly being naive gets you nowhere in life except blushing when anyone speaks to you. There are times for weakness and times that call for no crying. This is one of those times. We are here in my mum's car, mum, sister, and I in front of my new home. If i'm honest my mums a wee bit annoying and sometimes to much to handle, like now she's bawling her eyes out while my sister and i remove all my bags from the car. Mum is crying like she won't ever see me again when i barely even saw her anyway, it's not her fault but she could've tried.

My father signed me up for this school, I honestly didn't even want to attend Uni. In my family it is not okay not to go because we are this prissy perfect family, to everyone but me.

As soon as all my bags are out i look at my mother and smile, if i never see her again it'll be too soon. I'm kidding, even though she's annoying she's still my mum. My sister and i have a bi-polar relationship, sometimes we really hate each other and sometimes the love is thicker than syrup. Right now we're not on good terms because she's being a little cunt about things that aren't in anyone's control. Ray is 17 but like a twin who doesn't look like me, she's like my outer good girl.

"You don't have to come with me, I'll be fine" i said calmly as my sister glared. My mother was in hysterics, just standing and starring at me. Why is this so awkward i just wanna leave.

"Bye sweetie, i'll miss you so much. Ray, say bye to your sister so we can leave" My mom said with a stoic face. What is wrong with her? Who even is she?

I watched my sister get into the car with my mom as she drove away so quickly i almost didn't realize they had left. Finally, i sighed to myself. I'm in dependant, i love being alone so this wasn't any thing new. I would just walk in and settle down.

As i walked slowly with all my bags, i looked around the neighborhood. There is barely a reason for me to be here, i could really do without it. Then again, i know if i want my life here to be okay i have to change my attitude.

I'm so friggin' happy to be here! Not.

Finally i reached the house i would be staying in, house number 1049.

 I got my key out and walked in, no one was here so i just looked an the empty room. When i found it I was so surprised, its bigger than i imagined i guess its the perks of being rich. I put all my bags down and looked around, this room is so bland i need some flavour. I closed my eyes and thought about how i wanted my room to look.

As soon as i left my room to see if there was food in the kitchen my phone began to ring.

"Stop, Don't talk to me. Loser Lameo wannabe, like oh totally to-totally"

I took at out my galaxy answered, already knowing who it was. "What do you want" i said harshly.

"Don't be like that babe, I just wanted to see how you were settling in" he said teasingly.

"Aww, how sweet of you to be concerned about me" i said back sarcastically.

"I'm fine, see you tonight" i yelled into the phone before hanging up.

I went to a the cupboards and in the third one found a jar of Nutella and some crackers. In the fridge was some strawberries and strawberry cream cheese. Roomie knows how to eat!

I put the cream cheese and nutella on the crackers and sliced some strawberries and put them on top, then i made my way around to find something to do before i had to get ready. I found a game room and decided to try my hand at FIFA for a bit.

Suddenly the door slammed and i ran down the stairs, there stood a young man about my age who was devastatingly handsome. He was the most attractive person i'd ever seen and he had a certain aura that made him desirable. Suddenly he looked up at me with pure shock on his face.

"Who are you?" he asked rudely.

"That's not the right way to speak to a lady,please try again" I said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"I'm not going to ask again, who the fuck are you?" he yelled.

"Well since you asked so nicely, I'm Toni, you must be Levi" I said sarcastically.

"You're a girl" he said disbelievingly.

"I'm aware" i said back.

"Look, I'll pay you whatever you want, just leave" he said calmly.

"Don't think so, you'll just have to deal with me" i said back smartly.

"I don't need unnecessary drama, you're just gonna fall in love with me and get your heart broken" he said.

"And how do you know this?" i questioned.

"The good girl always falls for the bad boy" he sneered and i smirked.

"Lucky you because i'm not a good girl" i retorted, causing a smirk to appear on his face.

"Really" he laughed.

"Haven't you heard, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught" i winked as i walked back to my room.

Not Edited

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