Make Yourself At Home

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     Wong looked up to the sounds of the oncoming footsteps.

      Mordo. Sorcerer Supreme. Master of the Mystic Arts.

     “Wong, I see you are still gaining knowledge,” He stood beside the table he sat at in the library. Wong closed his book, huffing in annoyance.

    “You still yet, have more to learn. One never stops learning, Mordo. Not even the Sorcerer Supreme,” He narrowed his eyes at Mordo.

     Mordo had been unlike Stephen. Wong remembered when Stephen would show up to the library at least once every other day. Stephen had always been hungry for knowledge, a passion to learn their ways unlike any other sorcerer that Wong had met. Stephen would talk to Wong. It was nice. The library did get quiet when Stephen was banished.

   “Nonsense, I have read books before Wong. Unlike Stephen, this position of power is not a competition. There is no need to read every book in this library in one week.” Wong frowned. Mordo banished Stephen from Kamar-Taj, shortly after the battle of the Dark Dimension. Mordo accused Stephen of breaking the natural laws by wrongfully controlling time.

    Things have been quite different under Mordo’s control. With the Ancient One dead, Mordo had made sure no one would miss use the ways of the Mystic Arts for their own benefit. He had casted out a lot of former masters and students, seeing as they broke the laws in some way. Whether it was a minor offense or a large one.

    “Never think yourself above others, Mordo. For you do not know what you think you know,” Wong folded his hands in front of him. He remembered sitting at the table here, discussing with Stephen about the countless books in the library. He had questions for Wong about everything. A strong desire to learn and better himself.  

    The difference between Mordo and Stephen was drastic. They were like light and dark, Yin and Yang. Very different but they needed each other to even it out. Mordo had always been more of a physical person in situations as Wong observed. He was better in combat skills and relics. Stephen was more of an observant and thinker type. He would think outside of the box, come up with different ways. Wong saw this in Stephen, someone who could solve conflicts without violence.

   “I never spoken word of that Wong. But I am sure this was not the purpose of you calling, was it?” Mordo changed the subject. Mordo knew of Wong’s favor towards Master Stephen. Wong had cherished their little talks and poked fun. Wong wasn’t the only one who missed Strange. The Cloak of Levitation, now in a glass case in Kamar-Taj, had missed it’s master too. On multiple occasions, the Cloak had been seeking to leave, in search of its master. Wong hummed, nodding.

     “I wanted to speak of Stephen,” Mordo sighed.

    “There is no room to discuss of the laws he broke, Wong.” Mordo spoke firmly.

    “Stephen save our lives, there is room to discuss that.” Wong frowned. “You kicked him out with nowhere to go. How do you know if he is safe?” Wong argued. Mordo shook his head.

     “All magic users are monitored. I would not simply allow one to walk away with such power, it would cause chaos. Of course, I am monitoring Stephen.”

     “He is the one who did right. He did good to save yours and my lives. He doesn’t deserve whatever he is going through now, he deserves to be here.” Mordo sighed.

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