The Long Run

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             Pepper Potts made her way across the building’s lobby to Tony Stark. She caught glance of man standing next to Tony. The man looked nothing compared to Tony standing next to him. 

            “Hey Pep, how are ya?” Tony asked, enthusiastically. Pepper smiled and held the Stark Pad close to her stomach.

            “Mr. Stark, Glad to have you back,” She looked at the other man. The man's gaze met her for a moment but left as quick as it was met.  

            Stephen looked her over, she meant something to Stark. She was wearing heels and a white dress, her ginger hair in a ponytail, bangs over her face.

            “Thanks, Glad to be out of there.” He adjusted his sunglasses. “Hey, Pep. Let Happy know we’re going to have a guest join us for the ride.” Tony turned to the man and gestured for him to follow.

            The three walked towards the glass doors. “Will do, Mr. Stark.” Pepper nodded and started to type on the Stark Pad while walking next to the men, heels clicking on the tile. Tony put his press smile on as he pushed the glass doors. As soon as the doors opened, the chilly New York air hit them. Tony started to walk out, Pepper following by his side and Stephen lingering behind.

            There was no press to be seen, but that doesn’t mean someone could catch them. Stephen didn’t want to ruin something. Tony Stark dragging a homeless man in his car? Not too good for publicity.

            “Oh, this is Stephen by the way.” Tony opened the door to the limo and got in, leaving the door opened. Pepper looked at him.

            “Hello Stephen,” Pepper said nicely as she opened the door and slid into the passenger seat, beside the driver. Tony looked out at Stephen.

            “You getting in? I can take that offer back you know,” Stephen thought about it. At this moment, it was too late to turn back. It was either; Trust this handsome billionaire or miss out on the shelter’s options, sleeping on a bench. This could be a scam. Just his playboy ways showing, a way for him to make some extra money. Stephen climbed into the backseat of the limo.

            The interior of the car was black and grey. The seats were made of leather and the carpeting was grey. The AC was fresh and crisp smelling. There was a T.V. in the corner of the limo. There was two rows of black seats and fresh drinks. This was the style of a billionaire. It was almost too much for Stephen to take in, it made Stephen realize just how dirt poor he was. Stark leaned over and grabbed a drink from the table like area. Stephen gulped down the nervousness that he felt rise in his stomach.

            Stephen hadn’t been in a car since his accident. He could feel those thoughts eating away at the back of his mind. The conscious feeling that it could happen again. It could happen now, it could happen in five minutes, it can happen at any moment. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes shut. Get yourself together, you are not going to have a panic attack in front of Tony Stark in his limo. He tried to concentrate on something else, the warm shower he was going to receive. The fresh, non-trash food he wasn’t going to get from a dumpster. The soft, fluffy bed he was going to sleep in for the first time in several months. Anything but this car. That special voice drew him from his thoughts.

            “Hey, you want a drink?” Stephen’s eyes snapped open, he looked at Tony. “You look a little pale, you probably need a drink,” Tony thought he was slick. So, he thought. Stephen knew what Tony was aiming at. He couldn’t blame Tony though. Most homeless people in New York fell addict to something.

            “Water,” Stephen couldn’t take alcohol, not while his mind was panicking internally. Tony hummed; a bit surprised.  

            “I can make that happen,” he busied himself with grabbing a cold water bottle. Stephen let his mind wander from this car. Besides the shelter, Stephen was going to miss meeting his supposed friend.

            Every day, at 6:30 pm, Spider man made it his own routine to stop by and give Stephen a snack and chat. It was quite a weird routine of theirs. For Stephen to be able to claim that he talks to Spider man and eats with him, it seems outlandish. The first time it happened. Stephen was getting mugged. He was walking back from the shelter. When he passed an alley, someone grabbed him by his jacket, throwing him down. He tried his hardest to put up a good fight with cripple hands, using some training moves he learned from Kamar-Taj. But that went out of the way quick when one of the men gave a sharp kick to his head. He remembered seeing Spider man land and finish up the fight. Spider man helped him up, giving him back his change. He ran some sort of scan with his suit, checking if Stephen had a concussion. He often talked to this robot in the suit named Karen, asking her to do things for him. Spider man sat and talked to Stephen on a bench at a checkers table. They played a few games and he gave him a snack. Since then, this became their little routine that Stephen quite enjoyed. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else. He was going to miss it today.

            Tony held the water bottle out for Stephen. Stephen took it and nodded. “Thank you.” He looked down to see it already opened. Thank the Vishanti it was already opened. He wouldn’t want to make himself seem like more of a fool than he already appeared to be. Tony watched Stephen drink the water down rather quickly. The man seemed starved of everything. He felt a little better now that Stephen wasn’t so uncomfortable. It was less awkward.

            To Tony, Stephen wasn’t ugly. Nobody was ugly to him though. Stephen had amazing eyes; he doesn’t remember ever seeing eyes that beautiful. Well, besides his own of course. The man had a great jaw and cheekbones; good structure all around, though hidden from the baggy clothes and dirt. The killer, his voice. Stephen’s voice made Tony forget ever being stuck in the elevator with him. His voice was firm and deep. Tony wanted to hear that voice say his name and demand him. Wait. No. No, no, no. What are you thinking? No. Stop thinking like that. You hardly know the guy. Tony shook his head, mentally cursing.

            He focused on the ride, making it to the compound. During the ride, Tony found himself wandering and drowning in the thoughts of this homeless man beside him. Stephen occupied himself with trying not to think about the car; watching scenery and thinking of things he still had to do. As the tower could be seen in the distance, Tony couldn’t have been happier. They were about to get out. Tony could get this done with. Settle Stephen in, wait for Peter to come home for patrol, go work in the lab, and maybe catch some sleep.

            Stephen could see the compound as they were approaching. It was a different experience to see it for yourself, rather than looking at a photo on the news. Tony seemed to be spaced out. Stephen caught himself giving lingering stares. The more he watched, the more he found himself mentally beating himself up over this man.

            Was he really allowing himself to fall for this guy? What makes him think he could even remotely get close to him in anyway like that? Look at yourself, Strange. Seriously?

            Tony was really, truly falling for this handsome homeless man. He couldn’t believe himself. He could never get with a guy like this. They guy was just using Tony to get some necessities; he’d be gone as quick as he came. No need to get lovey-dovey over this guy. What would the media think? What would his friends and Peter think? Most importantly, what would Stephen think? The guy is probably not even gay. Not even thinking about anything sexual with you, Tony. God, what were you thinking about, Tony? Seriously?

            You seriously can’t be falling for this guy, not now. 

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