First String

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Two hours after Shiloh slammed the door in Gemma and Bobby's faces, the doorbell rang again. This time, Dani was the one to answer as Shiloh was on the back porch grilling burgers for dinner. She sighed when she saw an obviously pissed off Luann walk out onto the back deck and shake her head.

"I know that you have a lot on your plate, but I can't believe you treated my best friend that way. She was just concerned like I am now that I know you're still working so much."

Shiloh grinned and winked at Luann as she flipped another burger. "I thought I was your best friend. I'm wounded."

Luann rolled her eyes as Shiloh chuckled. "You know what I mean! Stop being a little bitch for two minutes."

Shiloh sighed and nodded. "I know, and I'm sorry. It was incredibly rude of me to handle things the way that I did, but you know how I get when someone tries to tell me what to do, and that guy that was with Gemma just... what is his deal anyway? Is he like that with his old lady as well, because he got really bossy."

Luann shook her head. "Honey, they're just trying to help, and I think you should let them. By the way, his name is Bobby and he doesn't have an old lady. Mind telling me what your reason is for still working three jobs?"

"I do, actually, but since you aren't going to stop bugging me, I'll tell you. I'm putting the money from cleaning back to buy Jacob a motorcycle. He wants to prospect for the club."

Luann chuckled. "Why didn't you just tell Bobby that? He'd help you find a good one."

Shiloh shrugged. "Because Lu. I didn't like how he just demanded to know my reasoning, without even knowing me for five minutes."

Luann smirked but said nothing as she followed Shiloh into the kitchen. As they walked inside, Shiloh saw that Jacob had set the table while Dani finished making the potato salad. When they were all seated, Shiloh looked at Jacob and gave him a small grin. "Alright. I was going to surprise you, but since you're so concerned that you set SAMCRO on me, I'll tell you now. I'm only working the third job until I have enough money saved up to buy you a motorcycle. I figure that way, we can let Dani have your car and you'll have the bike."

Jacob shook his head. "You don't have to do that, mom. I can save the money myself."

Shiloh sighed before looking at her children. "You two have never known an easy life, not with your father being sick since before you were born, and I'm not promising that it will be any easier now, but I feel like I owe you two for all the things that you have missed out on through the years. The least that I can do is help you get what you want now."

Dani smiled at Shiloh and nodded. "We always understood about dad and the money situation, but if that's what you really want, then thank you." She gave her brother a look. "Isn't that right, Jacob?"

Jacob rolled his eyes but nodded and grinned at his mom. "Yeah, it is. Thanks, mom."


Luann walked into the clubhouse and stood there for a moment, just watching everyone. She sighed as she thought that she rarely came here now, especially with Otto in prison, but she had to admit that she missed it sometimes. There was such an air of family here. She grinned when Gemma motioned for her to join her and Clay at the bar. A prospect handed her a glass of wine like Gemma's when she sat down beside her friend. She nodded to the young man in thanks as Bobby stepped up beside her.

"Well? Did you get anywhere with Prissy?"

Gemma snorted as Luann chuckled and shook her head. "Isn't that cute? He already has a nickname for her." She sobered and cleared her throat when Bobby just continued to stare at her expectantly. "If you mean did I find out why she needed the money, then yes." She shook her head again. "But I'm going to tell you right now, she's stubborn and she's not going to accept a handout from anyone."

Bobby sighed and shook his head as Gemma gave him a look before turning to Luann. "Let's start with why she needs the extra money."

"She wants to buy Jacob a motorcycle."

Bobby snorted and shook his head. "She doesn't need to do that. I can find a decent one that he can fix up for a couple of grand."

Luann rolled her eyes. "What part of no handouts didn't you understand?"

Jax and Tig walked up, the younger man grinning and shrugging. "Well, as an employee, Jacob is entitled to the funeral fund."

Bobby frowned. "I'm the Secretary. We don't have a funeral fund."

Tig chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, but she doesn't know that."

Bobby chuckled as Clay nodded in agreement. "You got something there. The club itself could stand to kick in a couple of grand."

Bobby nodded. "I got another grand."

Happy spoke up from behind Luann, having just walked in with Chibs. "She sounds like my mom. I got a grand."

Tig nodded and slapped his hand on the counter. "Dammit, put me down for a grand."

Bobby rolled his eyes. "You never have money."

Chibs spoke up as everyone else laughed. "I'll cover Tig's grand if he dinnae 'ave it."

Jax nodded and slapped Bobby on the shoulder with a wink. "And since Bobby's the Secretary, I think it only fair that he present the money to the widow."

Bobby nodded in agreement, making the other men grin and look at each other. Chibs nodded in silence, already forming the betting pool in his mind. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"We've gotten tha' taken care of, but wha' about the three jobs?"

Gemma grinned and slung an arm around Luann's shoulders. "Let us take care of that part."

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