Fly Away

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"I bet you're happy now, aren't you?"

Shiloh shook her head and sighed. "I know you won't believe me now, just like you haven't believed me all these years, but all I ever wanted was what was best for Steven."

Jane shook her head. "You're right, I don't believe you. You've always held it against Steven that he found happiness with someone else."

Shiloh felt her shoulders tense as her mother-in-law spewed the same venom that she always fell back on. Finally, she shrugged and stepped back, waving a hand toward the hall. "The children and I have said our goodbyes. We'll let you say yours in private."

As the older couple walked to Steven's room, Dr. Weaver stepped up beside Shiloh and gave her an understanding smile. "Don't take it personally. They're grieving."

Shiloh gave him a small smile. "They've been grieving for sixteen years now. The funny thing is, it never dawns on them that so have I, and so have their grandchildren."

As the doctor opened his mouth to reply, the doorbell rang, saving Shiloh from rehashing the same old conversation that they always had where her in-laws were concerned. When she opened the door, Luann came rushing in, wrapping Shiloh in a Chanel-scented embrace. With tears pricking her eyelids, Shiloh hugged her friend back, drawing strength from the blonde. When Luann finally stepped back, she sighed and reached out to move Shiloh's hair out of her face.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

Shiloh nodded as Dani and Jacob walked out and were enveloped in hugs of their own. Shiloh put a smile on her face as she looked at her twins then Luann. "Do you think the kids could hang out with you for a while? I really don't want them to be here for what comes next."

Luann nodded even as Jacob shook his head. "I want to be here for you, mom. I can handle it."

She drew her son into her arms and held him close as she whispered in his ear. "Oh, baby, I know you can, but what I really need is for you to help Luann keep Dani occupied. Can you do that for me?"

Jacob sniffed before nodding. "Yeah, I can do that, mom."

She released him to pull Dani into a hug before Luann ushered them out of the house with promises of a movie and pizza. Shiloh turned as she heard Austin murmuring softly to a sobbing Jane as they walked into the living room. Dr. Weaver nodded to the older couple. "Are you staying?"

Austin shook his head as his wife clung to him. "No, Jane's heart won't take the strain." He cleared his throat and looked at Shiloh, a look of apology in his eyes that she'd never seen before. "Can... can you handle the arrangements? I just can't... "

Shiloh nodded before patting him on the shoulder. "I'll call when I've set everything up with Skeeter."

He nodded before gently guiding his wife out the door. Dr. Weaver sighed and shook his head. "It always falls to you, doesn't it, Shiloh?" When she simply shrugged, he nodded toward the hall. "Well, if you're ready... "

Shiloh nodded and followed him down the hall to Steven's room. When she walked inside, she lowered the rail on the side of the bed and sat down, taking his hand in hers as the doctor prepared the cocktail that would end his life. She sat like that, still as a statue, for a while before she watched Steven's chest rise for the last time. She moved then, standing to lean over and kiss him on the forehead.

"You can fly now, Steven."

Dr. Weaver nodded to her and she walked out of the room to the bathroom down the hall. She splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror, shocked at the woman that stared back at her. She knew that she was exhausted but she'd never noticed how bad she looked. She rarely looked in a mirror nowadays, finding no reason to use the makeup or hair products that lay in a drawer. She had nobody to look pretty for, and she found it much easier to be comfortable.

She sighed as she flipped the light off and walked back out to the living room, where Skeeter was talking to the doctor, the empty gurney beside him as he prepared to take Steven to the funeral home. He gave Shiloh a nod and an understanding smile. "Once I get him loaded in the hearse, if you'll follow me, I have some paperwork and we can arrange the services."

She nodded before walking outside to wait for him on the front porch. She wasn't a bit surprised to see that it was raining.


The next day, Jacob pulled onto the lot of TM, parking in his usual spot. He got out, seeing Gemma standing with Jax and Tig by the picnic tables, and walked over to join them. When Gemma saw him, she frowned slightly.

"Hey, sweetheart. You don't work today, do you?"

Jacob shook his head as he lit a cigarette. "Nah, but I needed to speak to you. I can't cover my shift tomorrow. It's my old man's funeral."

All three stared at him in shock, Jax finally recovering enough to clear his throat. "Your dad died? That's tough, man. What happened?"

Jacob shrugged. "He was... he just died, man."

Gemma nodded. "You and your family need anything?"

Jacob shook his head. "Nah, we're good, but thanks. I just can't be here tomorrow."

Jax nodded and patted him on the shoulder. "Yeah, of course, man."

Jacob nodded before walking back over to his car and pulling out. When he was out of sight, Gemma looked at Jax. "I think it would be a nice gesture if we went to the funeral. Show club support, ya know?"

Jac and Tig both nodded. "Yeah, definitely. I'll give Skeeter a call, see what time it starts."

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