Chapter 9 // One Day More

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Through gritted teeth Kara spoke up "Father." Alex quickly stepped aside, giving Kara a clear view of Kal-El.

Kal-El smiled a charming smile and said "Daughter, it's good to see you."

Kara shook her head, sternly she asked "What are you doing here, we both know you never come here."

"Can't I come visit my daughter?" Kara was about to answer when he continued "We both know that answer from your side, but you're not the parent here. So daughter, come give your father a hug."

Kara scoffed "Do you really think, after all those years, that you deserve a hug?"

Kal-El's smile dimmed "I had already suspected you would be difficult like this, always the same with you, almost like a rebellious teenager. So, what is this about me hearing you have a wife, didn't even told me in person?"

Kara balled her fist "Do you really think, father, that I'm going to tell you about my wife?" Kara shook her head "Of course not, so let's make this easy. Tell me now why you're here, or I will have to force my hand and send you away."

Kal-El scoffed and burst out laughing "Do you really think, you, my daughter, can send me away? Never."

Kara wasn't fazed "We both know who is stronger, father. We both know who is deadlier. Who can let everything crumble you have built. Everything you have taken away from me," Kara took a step towards the larger man, and asked "Have you ever seen Les Misérables?" Her father nodded "Than you know the song 'One day more'. My life has been like this, waiting for the day I take my chance and destroy you for always. Because you- you are the real Devil here. You have always been the Devil."

Kara heard heels clicking on the ground and somebody following the person, she had learnt that sound in the last couple hours, Lena and probably Carter. "But you see me as the Devil, you created me to be like this," Kara saw Lena and Carter in view. For the first time Lena didn't keep distance, no, she walked up to Kara and placed an arm around Kara's waist. "Do you remember Eve? My first love? That one love you can't never get over?" Kal-El, very confused, nodded "I had given her one last wish. One which was not a normal wish, it had never been a normal wish."

Kara shook her head and looked at Lena "She had wished for me to find the love of my life when the time was right. One to melt my heart, to give me everything I need, one I wouldn't care about what I had to do to for her. And she was right, I have found her. My heart is already cracking. I cried again, I have shown emotions. But do you know what she wished for more?"

Kal-El raised an eyebrow but Kara wasn't looking at him, no she was looking at Lena when she spoke up again "That when I found my one love, the one which would let me live One day more things would change between God and the Devil. Roles would be switched and all I had to do was to kiss her. All I have to do is kiss Lena, the only one who didn't want to gain anything from me. She wanted me because she took pity on me."

Kara placed a hand on Lena's cheek. "You're lying."

"Watch." Was all Kara said before looking in Lena's eyes for permission. When Lena slightly moved forward Kara did what she had to do. She did what her body had dreamt of for years, a kiss which would be more important than any other. 

She tilted her head a little and put her lips on Lena's. When their lips connected Kara heard it, her father yelling "No!" She knew she had succeeded, but that wasn't important anymore. All that mattered was that she should close her eyes and enjoy this moment forever. 

After a whole minute of Lena's lips on hers Kara moved away and rested her head against Lena's while her eyes were closed. In a hushed whisper Kara said "That was the best kiss I have ever had, thank you for kissing me." Lena chuckled and with that Kara opened her eyes and looked around. She had succeeded, everything wasn't red and black anymore, no it was actually very white. 

Kal-El was gone, but Alex and Carter- they were both dressed differently. Both were looking around, amazed. Kara grinned and turned back to Lena, grabbed her and spun in a circle with Lena in her arms. They had done it, their one day more had been succeeded. They had won, she had become God. The one ruler, but a good one. Kara hugged Lena tight and whispered in the woman's ear "You might need to learn me how to be good, but you can do it, right?"

Lena chuckled, grabbed Kara by the neck and lunged forward, capturing Kara's lips in a heated kiss. They might not really know each other, but Lena had done the impossible, she made the Devil feel real love, not family bond or anything like that. But that one feeling the Devil was missing. The one feeling that would make the Devil God. And now- now they had succeeded.

Now they had the power, the pride, the possibility to make it all better. But until then they had only one thing: One Day More.

A/N Another story finished, I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you hopefully at another story!

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