Once a greedy man

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Disclaimer : this explains the past of OFA and AFO along Celia's traumatic past lmao, Tenko Shimura isn't adopted by Shigaraki too btw

Trigger warning : Slight gore? Just a sentence.

Hope you Enjoyyy! <3

Word count: 2,150

Author POV

18 years ago

He was insane, persistent and insistent enough to search for years, to prove his father wrong,it was driving him insane. he's a geneticist and it took him everything to track down people with different genetic codes and different dna

Shigaraki got obsessed with the idea of finding someone different than anyone,to find someone with abilities no other human possess

Found One!!

He finally tracked one's location but soon as he dialled their number they insulted him and his beliefs,shouting how crazy and messed he is to even disturb their peace. yet that was nothing to trigger him,he knew he'd be called that and worse,Shigaraki was even beyond ready for any kind of humiliation if it'll get him to his goal, hell he was even ready to die for it to come true

All he needed is just to meet one of them,Face to face, that's just it after that Consequences will follow and he would smile at the world for granting his wish till then,he vowed to continue his research.

Seven years later

"I'm genuinely in your debt,Thank you for coming all the way from Japan to here." Shigaraki gives a small smile shaking Toshinori's hand

"It's all right my friend,Now that we are here,tell me what you wanted to tell me face to face." Toshinori begins and sits on a chair across Shigaraki who follows after

"Right straightforward to the point,I believe that I managed to track down people with special abilities, people with different genetic codes which gave them different abilities than most normal humans. I want you to help me gather all these people in an organisation of our own,I believe that's the best for us." Shigaraki ended with a determined look in his eyes,waiting for toshinori's reply

"Ha,I see..Well then I'm more than willing to help,all for the sake of creating a better society" Voice monotone and Shigaraki nods humming "Ah a better society you say?"

"Our world is filled with,hatred,war,famine and suffering,I want to believe that creating this community would lead to a better world" Shigaraki only lets out another hum nodding along,a wicked smile plastering his lips

"I agree with you,very much in fact. With your money suppling the organisation and my researches I'm sure we will create a whole new world"

Toshinori stood smiling and extends his hands as Shigaraki firmly shakes it

Once again Shigaraki and Toshinori meet a few days later on the same place,it's their meet-up place.

"Oho! I see you brought a guest with you," Shigaraki looks at the girl eyeing her carefully "Is she..your daughter?" He asks and Toshinori shakes his head in denial

"She's a friend's daughter but they went on a business trip and entrusted me to take care of her..Celia! Come here! Meet uncle Shigaraki"

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