as if it happened yesterday

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this's such a short chapter;-; but next chap will be 1K words!

Sorry for depressing our bby boy ✋🏻😔

Word count : 430

Izuku's POV

Wandering around japan streets with no destination in my mind,Four years of wandering and hiding from the ones who are searching for me

My eyes averted toward a teenager,modelling in the street,I place my hands inside my pockets again exhaling softly

I reached to where I have been living Sighing,Just inside this fancy cave,I finished closing my small gate and slide Myself down the wall as I replayed the same scene from past these four years


Ashes,My home was burnt to ashes

Ashes It was ashes I'm not hallucinating

Black ,My home was once white Now it's black in ashes

My own feet walked to it slowly As I entered through the broken door

The dining table broken ...Mom Clothes on the floor My sister teddy bear burnt too ,Dad Cigarettes on the floor ,dried blood

I couldn't cry There was no tears ,I let myself sit on my knees lowering my head down

"They were supposed to be living Why did they kill them What did they do to die" I murmured standing up then stepped outside

I will take my revenge for them Wait for me.. if I didn't destroy you..

<<End of flashback>>

"Ah I am still here..I am still alive,I am okay..The end is very soon" I repeated sighing deeply as my eyes started to water and my vision to blur as my thoughts started to fill my exhausted brain again

"Why was I born? What did I do to deserve this?" I thought as my tears once again flooded my eyes as I curl up on myself, I felt all my muscles loose as I started to drift off to sleep ignoring the fact that I didn't close the cave opening...or even without fire to warm me..

Life never treats good people right

"Are you sure this's the place Bakugo?" Denki cleared his throat as the only thing was heard is the sound of the falling leaves on the ground and the oddly strong cold Wind

"Pretty sure Pikachu"

"But man this place is weird,he can't be staying in a forest all alone!" Kirishima voice spoke getting shivers as he looks at the creepy surroundings

"Shut up coward,besides I bet he would leave and come here to sleep,What an idiot" Bakugo lets a sarcastic laugh as they continue walking searching for any sign of their lost friend.


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