Chapter 20

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I didn't start going back to normal after the abortion until a week and a half went by and my stomach stopped cramping, I stopped bleeding, and I felt perfectly fine. I didn't get lightheaded or dizzy anymore, I was just myself again and I felt good. I didn't talk to Jake at all that entire week and a half either and that felt great too... I just had to go to a mandatory office party that I was going to try and get out of but didn't because Jakes dad was going to be there. It was his dad's birthday and even though he wasn't aware that it was, I felt disrespectful not showing up.

It started off professional and fun. I got his dad a pretty nice watch. It was a Rolex and I felt Jake eyeing me up and down while I was talking to his dad and giving him the gift. It was expensive, but I also loved his dad and if his dad don't start the business before Jake was even thought of I wouldn't have been employed.

Then his dad left and me having multiple drinks in my system, I stayed and I talked to people from the office and did everything that I could to ignore Jake. Until Morgan came. She sat down directly next to me and I felt the tension getting stronger and stronger.

"Hey." She said and I looked over at her and she smiled weakly.

"Hi." I said.

"Look-Im sorry if I ruined anything between you and Jake." She said and I shook my head.

"He ruined it himself." I mumbled and looked away from her.

"No, I'm serious. I know that I messed up a lot. I was dumb to think I could even get him back-he's done stupid things and still does but he's a good guy. I've been talking to someone else and haven't told him yet." She said.

"Did he put you up to this? If he did just leave me alone. I'm here to just have a good time. It's been a shitty week." I said and she sighed.

"He didn't put me up to anything. I just thought we could talk things out." She said.

"So then let's talk things out and become best friends and go against him-was he always so fucking selfish in your relationship? Like all he cares about is the money he's making and his reputation. It's the biggest joke ever." I said.

"Trust me. I've dealt with him for a long time. I tried to get it to work and just finally settled for it not working." She said and I nodded.

"That's how I feel anymore. I'm done trying. It's so exhausting to keep trying to have to work things out and he never changes." I said and she took a sip of a drink she had already had. The only reason we probably had the conversation was because we were both drunk. Which led to probably the worst decision of my life. I did something I didn't even know I wanted to, and we made eye contact for a little, and made out. Not just a short little make out session either. We full on locked lips, shoved tongues down each other's throats, and made out at the bar. Knowing Jake was watching.

"Blaire." I heard him say and come up behind us both. He put his hand on our shoulders and we pulled away from each other.

"What?" We both asked at the same time.

"You don't want to do that here. In front of everyone." He said.

"What's the problem? If I want to kiss her I want to kiss her. Nothing will change about that." I said and he clenched his jaw. I knew he was turned on by watching us kiss. It drove him crazy. She probably knew it too.

"Just don't do it here. Be professional." He said.

"Jake leave us alone." Morgan said and we went to kiss again but he stopped us and we looked up at him.

"Just stop. You don't want that right now." Jake said and I cocked an eyebrow at him. He was so fucking annoying.

"Leave me alone." I said and he went to say more and I got up and grabbed Morgan's hand.

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