4. Annoyance & Avoidance

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Chapter 4.

“Hey Kenzie, what’s up?” Justin asks me as he sits down across from me.

“Oh, uh, not much…” I reply as I toss a French fry in my mouth.

“Mhm… I haven’t seen you all day? We usually meet between each class…”

“Yeah, well I’ve been getting to class late, so I had to be on time today.”

“Oh, I thought you were avoiding me haha!”

I instantly stiffen, but laugh it off. To be honest, yes, I was completely avoiding Justin… I don’t even know why! I just don’t know how to act around him anymore! I mean, I’ve always sort of liked Justin in a way, but to find out he likes me back? This is madness!

“Heyyyyyyy!” Chaz says as he sits next to me and Ryan sit down next to Justin. Thank the Lord they finally showed up! This was about to get awkward! “What’s going on?”

“Just eating.” Justin and I say at the same time. We look at each other and he laughs, but I blush and turn away.

“Justin, you spilled your milk.” Ryan says calmly as Justin jumps to his feet.

“OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH” Justin begins to panic while the rest of us chuckle. He dashes off to either grab paper towels from the boys’ bathroom, or find a janitor. That leaves Chaz, Ryan, and I to talk…

I’m not gonna lie, I feel a bit awkward around Chaz and Ryan when Justin isn’t around. Don’t get me wrong, I love these guys now, but I only became friends with them because of Justin.

“So, how’s your day?”Ryan asks, munching on his cheeseburger.

“Fantastic! Thanks for asking!” Chaz replies with a silly grin.

“I was asking Kenzie, not you.” Ryan states, and lightly elbows Chaz.

“Uh, pretty good I guess.” I answer. Ryan nods and continues to stare at me. I look away, feeling uncomfortable. “Um, so how has your day been?”

“Not so good, I’m kind of upset right now…” Ryan replies.

I look up, surprised. Ryan is the one that’s always calm and kept together. “Oh really? What happened?”

“Well uh, let’s just say there’s this girl… who I’ve been friends with for a really long time… and, well I don’t know why, but all of a sudden she’s ignoring me. I have no idea what I did, but she hasn’t talked to me all day.”

“Aw! Who is she? I can talk to her if you want me to-”

“No, it’s okay. That might be a little awkward. I just think that… I think she might be avoiding me…”

That was the key word. That was the word that literally woke up my senses. He looked me straight in the eyes and I knew exactly what he was talking about.

“So this friend of yours… uh, you’re really upset about her?”I ask and he nods. “What are you gonna do? Are you planning on talking to her or…?”

“Not quite sure, probably in about five seconds…” Ryan replies. My eyes widen as Justin sits down again.

“I got some paper towels…” Justin begins to wipe the milk off of the table.

“Come on Chaz, let’s go get the janitor.” Ryan says.

“But Justin’s already wiping th-”

Chaz, let’s go get the janitor.” Ryan replies. I can practically feel Ryan growing annoyed with Chaz. Chaz groans, obviously not understanding. The pair gets up and Ryan winks at me before leaving.

Great. Now I’m gonna be alone with Justin, and he’s gonna have a little chat with me… maybe if I talk about something else, he’ll forget about anything he was planning on saying…

“So… uh, how’s your day so far?” I ask him.

“Eh, okay I guess.” He replies and continues to innocently clean off the table.

“Has anything interesting happened?”

“Spilling this stupid milk carton has been the highlight of my day…” Justin sighs as he throws the carton and milk-soaked napkins into the trashcan. He sits back down stares at me, I immediately blush. “Uh, while the guys aren’t here, can I talk to you real quick?”

I nod my head yes and prepare for his words. I hope this won’t be too awkward…

“Well we’ve known best friends forever, so I can tell you anything right? And you won’t get weirded out”

“No, of course not.”

“Okay good…” he says, then there’s a long pause. “I think I like-” Just begins to say, but is cut off by the bell. Kids swarm past us to get to their next class. “Uh, I’ll tell you later.” Justin says and practically runs out of the cafeteria. I pick up my lunch tray and toss it in the trash.

“So I guess Justin will reveal his feelings for me later. I don’t know if that’s better or worse…

Catching Feelings *Justin Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now