3. Homework & Honestly

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Chapter 3.

“Hey, did you finish my homework yet?” Justin asks, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

“What? Oh! Uh, yeah.” I scramble to hand him the paper and then grab my book bag. “Uh, I gotta go.”

Justin sends me a concerned look. “Already? You just got here. What’s wrong?”

“Uh…” I use every bit of willpower to not look him in the eyes. “My mom just texted me, she needs help making dinner tonight…”

“Oh…” the boys sigh. I nod my head leave. I tell Pattie that I have to go and she agrees to drop me off at my house. As we pull out of the driveway, the boys all wave goodbye. I can’t help but notice the sad expression on Justin’s face. Justin, please don’t be sad. It’ll only make things more awkward, grrr.

“So what’s been going on, Hun? Is everything alright?” Pattie asks me. I shrug my shoulders and continue to gaze out the window. “Is everything fine with… Justin?”

I snap my head around at the sound of his name. She smirks at me, then continues to look at the road. I immediately look down, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, we’re fine…” I barely manage to whisper. Why is my throat suddenly closing up? Ugh, I hate being a girl. All these stupid emotions.

“Sweetie, you don’t have to cry.” Pattie says soothingly, as she pulls over into a random empty parking lot. She rests her hand on my back. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know that right? Because you’ve always been a daughter to me.” And she was right. Ever since I moved from Winnipeg to Stratford in the second grade, Justin has always been my best friend, and Pattie has always been like a second mom. But now one of those has changed…

But Justin can’t possibly love me, can he? I mean of course I have to admit, when I first met him, sure I had certain feelings towards him. But it’s been years since I considered a relationship with Justin! Years. I’d come to the fact that Justin and I were best friends, nothing more, nothing less. But now this happens. He goes and writes my name on his paper. Arggh, why am I even freaking out? All he did was write my name. It’s not like he likes me or anything…

But then again, I used to write his name all the time… So maybe after all this time, he likes me? And I still like him? No, this is impossible! This is all happening at the same time, I can’t think straight.

“Pattie, how do you know when you’re in love?” I ask her.

She gives me an interested look, and then says, “I’m honestly not quite sure. I think it’s when you pretty much live to see the other person smile. I think that’s when you know you’re in love… It’s okay Kenzie. I already know that you’re talking about Justin.

I look up in shock. “What? How did you know that I was talking about Justin?!”

“Because it’s quite obvious that you two belong together! You’ve known him longer than anyone else in this town! Believe it or not, Justin has said your name in his sleep before!” She blushes and I look away. “Um, don’t tell that I told you that…”

“So… Justin likes me…?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Pattie asks with a surprised look on her face.

“No?! When did this happen?! I thought we were just friends! I mean, I had feelings for him when I first got to know him, but it’s gone now!”

“Wait, you like Justin?”

Liked. But not anymore… I think…”

“Kenzie! If you like him, then you need to tell him! I’m 100% positive that he will make a move soon!”

“Wait, what do you mean? Ugh, I don’t understand boys… I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Pattie looks me straight in the eye and says, “Kenzie Marie Jenkins, it doesn’t matter what is going on, who is doing what, you can always talk to me. Understand?”

I nod my head yes. “Thanks Pattie.” I reach over and hug her. She continues to drive and finally arrives at my house. As I get out of the passenger seat, I say, “Thanks for everything!”

She smiles and says, “No problem!”

As I unlock the front door, my mind starts wandering all over the place. How can Justin like me, after all this time? We’ve been best friends for years. I didn’t know he had wanted to be anything more! Because I secretly did…

Catching Feelings *Justin Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now