13. His gift

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PREETI'S POINt of view

After dinner we all are sitting in a living room having chit-chat. Papa and Akhil dad went for a walk after dinner. Siddharth is upstairs in my room, doing some office work. I gave Siddharth my room because it was little bit cozy and comfortable. The morning view from my room's balcony is breathtaking. I and Shivani di used to share our room but after her marriage this was all mine.

My room isn't a girly at all. I like simple things so just a couple of my family's pictures are hanging on the wall. I and keerti are sharing our guest room. I helped her in unpacking and settled her things in wardrobe.

I don't if Siddharth settled in my room because I didn't check on him. Anshul was the one who showed him my room.

I want to check on him if he is comfortable or not but I am feeling too shy to even face him.

I turned into crimson red when I breath in a same air as his. His presence around me creates goosebumps all over my body and my mind stopped working.

He had that kind of effect on me. I don't how I will control my emotions after marriage when he will be too close to me when that I can feel his heartbeat.

After a lunch incident, at dinner I set beside keerti, try to save me from her teasing and getting more embarrassed.

"Where is Siddharth. It's been three hours when he went to upstairs." Neeta maa asked keerti.

I was cutting a fruits for everyone when I halted hearing his name. I didn't see him hours now. After dinner he went to upstairs, saying that he has some work to do when Anshul asked him to sit with us and after that I didn't see him and it's been hours now. Papa and Akhil uncle also came from the walk and sitting at our small backyard.

May be he slept. But its quite early to go to bed.

May be he was tired and wanted to sleep early.

"Actually bhayi texted me few minutes ago. He was asking me for a help to unpacking." Keerti replied while focusing in the game.

I want to go to his room and help him to unpack his things but I can't just go like that.

What if he doesn't like, I come to help him and would everyone will think if I propose to help him.

"Then what are you doing here, go and help him." Neeta maa scolded her.

I don't know, how he is managing in my room. It will be uncomfortable for him to adjust in strange place without anyone's help.

I keep cutting the apple while thinking about him.

"Maa, please, not today I'm playing pub-g with Anshul and we are about to kill our enemies. " Keerti said while focusing on her game.

"They are not going to win, don't worry. I won't let them. I'm the champion of this game. Just stay behind me." Anshul said to keerti with a smirk.

"Anshul I want the gun and the grenades too. Someone is shooting me from above." Keerti said with a little panic on her face.

This game ruined most of the kids and especially boys. I don't why they like this game much. I know this type of game is really awesome but still. People play it like they are really in some kind of warzone and they need to protect their nation.

"Okey hold there. I'll give to you. I am going to a warehouse you give me a cover." Anshul said with his full focus on his iPad.

"Okey.." keerti said while a little bit relax this time.

May be Anshul give her things what she was asking before.

Neeta Maa shaked her head at both of them.

"Preeti, if you don't mind beta,will you please check on Siddharth. Actually he is a pretty mess, when it comes to unpack his bag." Neeta maa asked me when I give her a plate of fruits.

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