DEKU pt 1

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Everyone was laughing and talking with each other as the screen suddenly turned on.
"What the hell is happening?" Bakugo pushed Kirishima away and jerked his head toward the screen
"B-Bakugo what the hell" he laughed as he got pushed off and he slowly looked up at the screen as well as everyone else
"It shouldn't be doing anything I haven't activated it!!!" Mei ran over to the machine and tried to power it off
"It's not working we will just have to ride this one out" Everyone sat down and watched the screen with worried and curiosity facial expressions

The screen flicked on to Deku sitting on the floor of a pitch black room.
"W-where am I?" He suddenly got punched in the gut and laughs echoed in his ears.
"Hellllo Izuku Midoriya... are you sure you don't remember??" Deku's eyes widened as he was taken back into a flashback
"WE HAVE TO GET KACCHAN TO SAFETY" he screamed over the roars of the fire around them. He suddenly looked behind him and Bakugo was gone from sight and he heard laughter come from the trees.
"GUYS KACCHAN IS GONE!! THE VILLAIN IS HEADING TO THE CENTER!" Deku pointed forward and Shoji and the others started running faster. They ran out from the forest, running into the center that had a few wounded laid upon it... blood splattered across it like a canvas. Bakugo was in the middle with the villains being held by the neck slowly going into a portal.
"K-KACCHAN!!!" Deku leapt out of Shojis arms and ran toward him
"D-DEKU STOP!!" Uraraka tried to run forward and help him but Shoji held her back
"Stop Let's take care of the wounded im sure he will be fine" Shoji flashed a worried but also reassuring smile toward Uraraka and started picking up people and asking others if they were ok. 'Please be ok Deku' she ran to help Shoji with the wounded as Deku was sweating bullets to get to Bakugo.

"HOW HEROIC CAN A PERSON POSSIBLY BE" Mic grabbed his head and screamed
"Keep the volume down Mic" He erased his quirk and mumbled something under his breath
"But like actually what the actual snickerdoodles was he thinking" Denki was gripping his hair in suspense
"Snickerdoodles? Really?" Bakugo gave a questioning and judge mental look to Denki
"I'm trying to cut back on cussing unlike you Mr.Blasty!" Bakugo held back his cussing and yelling to the best of his ability and just punched Denki across the face before being stopped by Aizawa.
"Can we just actually watch the video" Tsu piped in (again one of the quiet characters). Everyone nodded and they shut up and turned their attention back to the screen.

"KACCHAN IM NOT LETTING YOU GO, NOT AFTER EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH!!!!" Deku grabbed hold of Bakugo's hand and threw him away from the portal, resulting in Deku getting captured instead. 'Stay safe Kacchan' Deku gave everyone a smile as he was swallowed by the portal.
"DEKU YOU DAMN NERD WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!" Bakugo punched the ground becoming more frustrated by the second
"D-deku" Uraraka fell to her knees and started tearing up
"I s-should've gone with him..." she wiped her eyes and started sobbing while Shoji comforted her
"There's nothing you could've done to prevent that Uraraka"
~back to the villains base~
"I-I saved Kacchan" Deku smiled as his blindfold was ripped from his face. He stared up at Shigaraki.
"You can't touch them they can protect themselves!! I'll never join your stupid league Shigaraki!!" He disintegrated part of Deku's shoulder and he cried out in pain as Shigaraki gave a slight smile.
"Let that be a start to our play time!" A light illuminated the room and there were devices and tools scattered over many tables, some covered with blood and other... things.
"Let's have some FUN SHALL WE" Shigaraki picked up a knife and laughed
"I'm not crazy enough to do the torture so you get someone who lovvvvves you Midoriya... TOGA!!!" Toga ran into the room and immediately grabbed the knife.
"We're gonna have so much fun Izu-kun!!!!" She giggled as she slowly sliced Deku's cheek and he winced in pain
"Your blood is so pretty... I WANT TO SEE MORE! MORE!" She stabbed the knife into Deku's leg and he screamed out in pain
"If I take out the knife it'll make it bleed more Izu-kun" She wiggles her finger as she grabbed scissors off the table and snipped them a few times before stabbing them though his shoulder, again receiving another cry of pain.
"Your screams are so beautiful Izu-kun!!" She giggled as speakers fired up all around the room.
"Kacchan I hope your safe... everyone please be safe" Deku flopped forward and his eyesight started going hazy. Toga suddenly pulled the knife and scissors out of his body.
"P-please stop!" Deku cried as he struggled in his chair
"But it's so cute seeing you struggle" she giggled as she put a giant slash across his back

"This is actually fucked up" Kirishima gasped and nodded his head
"I really don't want to watch Deku being tortured" Bakugo grunted and Mei shrugged
"SHHHHHH" Iida shushed everyone and turned his attention back to the screen
The speakers started playing his friends voices, but they were speaking negatively about him. And they were screaming in pain sometimes. "You'll never be a hero, just take a swan dive off the roof, Deku is so fat and ugly, he will always amount to nothing, he's just a weight holding us down"
"S-Stop this isn't real!" Deku struggled more to keep the voices out. He hasn't eaten in a week? He doesn't know exactly how long he's been in the cell. Suddenly Shigaraki entered the cell and grabbed Deku by the hair and pulling him down the hall.
"We're gonna Show them how pretty you are Deku, everyone will see and then come to rescue you! Then we can make you snap" he giggled to himself as he set Deku in front of a camera, he kept his head down and started crying..."w-why" suddenly the video started and he heard Shigaraki start talking
"Hello UA teachers and students, if you are watching this then you see your green headed friend here" he moved out of the way so the camera could focus on Deku. He had scars everywhere, he had a disintegrated shoulder and tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"Doesn't he look wonderful?"He grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head up so he was facing the camera, he had scars on his cheeks and a long one going across his face.
"Deku it's been 1 month now and no one has come to save you don't you feel angry? Mad? Upset? They probably aren't even trying to find you anymore" Deku tried to talk, slowly on his sobs
"They w-w-wouldn't give up on m-me, I Stil b-believe in them" Deku gave a smile to the camera
"I'm ok guys" Shigaraki put all 5 fingers on Deku's calf and it partially disintegrated as he screamed in pain
"His screams are so beautiful aren't they" Shigaraki walked up to the camera and crouched down so it was just showing his face
"He will join us soon" he smiled and ended the video
~at UA~
"DO YOU HAVE THEIR LOCATION" All Might was sweating bullets as he ran around frantically
"Yes sir but you can't go in your state!" All Might grabbed his hair
"WE WILL GO SIR!" Uraraka, Bakugo, Iida and Todoroki walked into the room and All Might looked up
"Y-YES PLEASE!!!" All the kids nodded and put on their gear to head out
"Be vigilant, this could also be a trap" Todoroki nodded and they kept walking, they slowly arrived at a warehouse and opened the door with a light shining from inside.
'Continued in Part 2"

"COME ONNN I HATE CLIFFHANGERS" Bakugo started explosions in his hands which Aizawa immediately erased
"Shhhh Bakugo, Problem child will be fine" Bakugo's Beins started popping out of his head and everyone burst into laughter
"IM NOT WORRIED ABOUT SHITTY DEKU I JUST HATE CLIFFHANGERS" He punched the ground and people kept laughing
"Bakugo you look like a Pomeranian... a very angery Pomeranian" everyone kept laughing as Bakugo stormed out of the room
"He will be back for part 2" Aizawa grumbled as he followed Bakugo out the door

1469 words
I'm so sorry I was gone for SOO long but I'm glad I've seen some suggestions to get me motivated again. I also got kinda tired because it's like 3:45 rn so imma split this into two(also because it's kinda long) anyway hope you enjoyed! Love yall💓

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