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Everyone walked back into the classroom and made their way into their seats except Midoriya. He slowly walked over to bakugo and squatted down " hey look at me for a second kacchan". Bakugo looked up at Midoriya seeing his eyes full of hope, the opposite of that stupid universe they saw. He grumbled and Midoriya continued with what he was saying "Kacchan I'm here, I'm happy and everything is ok. Nothing was your fault and I look up to you" Midoriya hugged kacchan and everyone in the classroom looked at them at shock. Kacchan was shocked from what he said and the sudden hug but he gave one back anyway. Midoriya got up and basically gave everyone hugs and then sat back down in the chair
"Midoriya are you ready?"
Midoriya nodded his head and smiled "go on and do it"
Mei started the machine again and Midoriya went back to sleep, snoring softly
....searching through multiverses
.....multiverse chosen
.....starting multiverse in

Everyone watched the screen as it started awaiting something adorable, cheering, happy, like the regular Midoriya

"Is everyone ready to go to USJ?"

"Whose voice is that?" Uraraka said moving closer to Iida
"It sounds like they are insane" Aizawa stated, clearly tired

The screen panned into USJ where everyone was lining into the facility, except Midoriya. Thirteen went and started explaining their quirk and explaining what this facility does.

"Guys don't tell me" everyone turned the muffled voice seeing Kirishima putting his head in his hands and looking up

"Seems so, just remember our Midoriya is on our side" All Might smiled and turned toward the screen once again

"Woah you have fake villains too" Kirishima smiled and pointed toward the purple warp gate appearing in the middle with a few villains walking out.
"NO those are real villains everyone stay back". Everyone looked at the middle as Aizawa started running toward the middle and they saw a very familiar green headed boy making his way through the warp gate grinning,

"Guys everyone look at Midoriya" a shaking Uraraka pointed at Midoriya and he was grinning just like the villain him was

"Sometimes while in the chair you will copy what your other self is doing he can see what's happening but again he won't remember it, he's just copying the movements of his other self" Mei went over and sat on the other side of Uraraka and patted her back

"DEKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU SHITTY NERD" Bakugo made explosions appear in his hands, nobody could believe their eyes, Midoriya was captured a month ago and nobody could find him and here he is. Deku smirked and looked up "Hello dear students, hello Kacchan, hello Uraraka, Hello Todoroki"

Everyone was staring at the screen and Aizawa turned toward his students

"All of them don't have a chance" he stated blandly

"What do you mean sensei?" Kirishima said looking at the screen

"Midoriya collects notes on every hero including his classmates, he knows their weaknesses, everything to deafest anyone including All Might"

Everyone stared at the screen with wide eyes knowing he was right

"Turn down the temperature in here, little explosion boys quirk runs off of sweat, and hey" Midoriya leaned to whisper into the villains ear "bring me a kettle will ya"

Todoroki's eyes widened as he watched the screen and he felt hurt?, confused? But he kept watching

"You guys wouldn't mind just sitting down there and watching would ya?" Deku looked up at them and smiled
Suddenly USJ became much colder and Bakugo could only make smaller sized explosions "YOU FUCKER ILL KILL ALL OF YOU, COME ON GUYS"
(I'm gonna just call him Deku now)
Deku smirked as he saw all of 1-A and aizawa running at him "Aizawa you wouldn't want your students hurt right?"
Aizawa looked at Midoriya and smiled "They are strong, they won't get hurt"

"YEAH AIZAWA" Kaminari clapped
"WOO YOU TELL HIM" Kirishima joined in the clapping

Deku laughed but it wasn't the real full of happiness laugh that their Midoriya had, no it was much colder more broken, sounding lifeless
"Oh Aizawa, Bakugo can barely use his quirk because of his explosions and Asui will go into hibernation because she's a frog. I know all of your weaknesses, I know what keeps you up at night, I know how to stop you all and make you cry without touching you"
Deku smirked and he pulled out a kettle "Todoroki does this ring a bell for you dear? Look very closely"
Todoroki looked at the kettle and froze as his memories of abuse and his mother came back to him

"You are so WEAK SHOTO WE NEED TO GET YOU INTO MORE TRAINING" boomed Endeavor (someone everyone forgot was there)

"Shut up old man and keep watching" Todoroki replies coldly

"Uraraka if you want your parents safe then I would recommend you sit out this fight" he pulled out a screen which showed their parents tied up. She stopped moving and started crying
"Anyone else wish to sit out?" He smirked as everyone else sat out except Bakugo, Aizawa, and Todoroki stepped back up
"Ka~cchan" Deku took a step forward and slurred out his words
"Are you standing up to protect your friends? Or your pride? Maybe to continue beating up someone you bullied for half of your life?" Bakugo tensed up a bit but kept his battle stance
"damn nerd you don't know anything, why are you a fucking villain anyway you piece of shit"
As bakugo and Deku we're talking aizawa took down all the other villains
"The world looked down on me Kacchan, everyone looked down on me when I was rendered quirkless, people bullied me and I had constant bruises on my body...." Deku stood in silence as he tried to think of what to say as Bakugo and everyone else just listened in to see what turned their friend evil

"Quirkless?" Todoroki looked at the screen puzzled

"Maybe he was born quirkless in this universe?" Iida looked at todoroki

"That must've been tough for the kid" Aizawa looked back up at the screen after almost falling asleep

All Might, Bakugo, Nezu, And Inko Midoriya knew it was the same for this reality too, and everyone knew there was a chance for this happening

"Everyone, did you ever punish the people that punched me? Made me cry? Made me broken and almost jump off the roof? All Might was one of the people I looked up to other than you kacchan and you both put me down. Kacchan you littered my body with bruises and told me to kill myself and all night told me I could never become a hero. Kacchan I almost jumped you know, the only thing keeping me here was my mom. We're you happy during the time that I was gone?" Deku smiled a small genuine smile "Did it make you feel happy that the reason could've been that I jumped?"

"Oh my god, did this really happen?" Mina looked up at the screen

"Bakubro you ok?" Kirishima put his hand on Bakugo's shoulder

"I'm fucking fine shitting hair" he shrugged Kirishima's hand off his shoulder and continued watching

"No, everyone was worried for you Midoriya" Todoroki looked at his broken friend with a worried expression
"Can I tell you guys a little secret?" Deku put an insane smile on his face as he looked at all his friends
"What is it Midoriya" aizawa looked at the broken boy, hoping he could bring him in for help after all this is over
Deku walked over to all of them and hugged them as he brought his voice to a whisper "I can kill you all and feel nothing" he smirked as he stabbed Aizawa in the stomach

Uraraka covered her mouth and gagged

"Holy shit dude he's insane" kaminari hugged kirishima

Deku laughed again "I could kill all of you and not give a flying fuck"

Everyone was shocked about Deku cursing but that was the least of their issues

All Might entered the door and saw what was happening. "My boy....." All Might ran down the stairs and grabbed Deku and put him in a hold
The screen went black as you heard the faint words of all Might asking him

"Holy shit dudes" kaminari looked at All Might
All Might had a worried expression but he knew that wasn't THEIR Midoriya

"Who's ready for the next one" Mei smiled to try and ease the tension in the room

"Sure whatever" Bakugo looked at Kirishima and made a tsk sound with his tongue

"I guess it wouldn't hurt" Iida was waving his hands like usual and then he pat Uraraka's back

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