Fem Deku TodoDeku

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THE ONE YOUVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!!! Sorry it has taken so long It's just been hectic in my life right now and we just started school and I already have two tests to study for so yes again sorry. Also in this chapter people from reality won't be talking much until the end because I just want to focus on the multiverse and I'm going to call Deku.. Deku because it's easier even though she's a girl anyways, ENJOY!

The screen flicked on and it showed the lunch room of UA, it zoomed in on one table with Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, and Tsu. A green haired girl ran up waving her hand with a lunchbox in her hand.

"Ok one question, who's that?" Tsu pointed at the girl and tilted her head
"That's Deku as a female, in this universe Deku's name is Izumi and not Izuku" people nodded and Minetas eyes were wide from the sight of Deku

"Hi guys sorry I'm late" She sat down next to Todoroki and he slightly blushed
"It's ok Izumi, we just sat down anyway the lunch lines are so long!" Deku smiled and handed Todoroki a bento box
"I promised I would make you a lunch so here you go" Deku smiled as she handed Todoroki the lunch and he flushed red
"T-Thank you *cough* you didn't have to though" Todoroki looked away and took the food
"Are you ok Shocchan?" Deku ran her hand through his hair and looked at him worryingly which just made him blush more
"Shocchan?" Deku pulled away and put her hands in her lap
"O-oh I'm sorry if you don't like the nickname" She fiddled with her fingers as Todoroki smiled
"It's fine it was just new" Deku smiled and hugged him
Todoroki hugged back and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment
"Are you two lovebirds done, we need to eat" Uraraka took a bite of her sushi and giggled
Deku and Todoroki's faces flushed red and they both pulled back from each other immediately digging into their meals
"We aren't dating!" Deku was still red and everything she said came out in a whisper
Todoroki just ate his food and smiled because it was made by her, she was nice enough to make it for him. Todoroki leaned over and whispered in her ear which made shivers run down her spine, she doesn't know if it was from him being so close or if it was from his beautiful, deep voice.
"After school walk home with me, please" He pulled away and looked at her, he looked into those beautiful deep green eyes, looking at her beautiful freckles that danced across her face or that shining smile that she would always show when she was happy.
"Ok Shocchan meet me by my locker" She smiled and kept eating, making small talk with everyone around the table for the remainder of lunch
~Timeskip to after school due to Deku's smile~
Deku grabbed all her things and ran out to her locker, she was happy that she was walking home with Todoroki.
"Hi Shocchan" she smiled as she slung her backpack over her shoulder
"Hello Izumi" He smiled back, a smile that was rarely seen from anyone
"Ready to go home with me miss" He got on his knees and lended his hand to her. She giggled as she took his hand and he stood up and chuckled. They walked in a comfortable silence for a bit, the silence that you wish would last forever. They were holding hands just walking and occasionally looking at each other, the silence was soon broken by Todoroki's voice.
"Thank you for making me lunch Izumi" he squeezed her hand and she looked down at their hands and flushed red
"O-oh I'm so sorry I didn't realize I was still holding y-your hand" she laughed a bit and smiled
"It's fine Izu, I don't mind" He chuckled as her face became more red
"I-Izu?" She ran her hands through her hair and giggled
"It's cute I like it, thank you Shocchan" She smiled up at him making his heart swoon and flip 5 times in his chest, he exhaled a breath he didn't even know he was holding and looked away
"Are we close to your house Izu?" She nodded and they continued walking, hands still interlocked without either of them knowing
"Were here Shocchan" she tapped his shoulder and smiled, unlocking their fingers without knowing, bringing him out of his thoughts
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't notice Izu, I'll see you tomorrow" he hugged her and smiled, he watched her enter and then walked home
'I'm gonna surprise her' he chuckled to himself as he continued walking
The screen flicked to Deku walking into her house 'he's so cute and hot at the same time and his voice is so beautiful, why is he so beautiful' she kept smiling to herself as she accidentally walked into a wall
"Honey are you ok" Her mom rubbed her head and looked over her face for bruises or any other injury
"I'm ok mom" she laughed at her moms antics
"You seem happier today, who's the boy or girl I don't judge honey" her mom laughed and walked back into the kitchen to finish dinner
"MOMMMMM" her mom just laughed louder
"Honey cmon tell me who it is" she was trying to compose herself for her daughter
"Mom I'll be in my room just bring it up" Her mom Just continued giggling to herself and nodded
Deku went up to her room and walked in closing the door softly behind her and she smiled
"Why is he so goddamn perfect" She giggled and went around the room getting changed into her pajamas smiling to herself the whole time, thinking back to the walk shared between the two of them
As she was getting into bed she heard a noise at her window, 'plink' 'plink' 'plink'.
Curious she walked over to the window and opened it, she looked down and saw a familiar red and white headed boy
"What are you doing here Shocchan?" She leaned over the the window and looked down at him
"I'm here to see you" He smiled and made ice under his feet so he would be face to face with her. He pulled out a guitar and started singing
'Your smile lights up my life and makes the color pop'
'Your laugh makes my heart flip 5000 times over again'
'Your so beautiful you steal the words straight from my mouth'
'And I came here this night to say to you...'
'I love you'
'I love you'
She put a hand over her mouth and pulled him through the window, he continued singing as she sat down on the bed
'Seeing you everyday makes me happy in every way'
'Your smile, your laugh, everything about youuuuuu'
He smiled and winked
'Makes me wanna kiss your lips'
'I just have one question for you and I hope you say yes'
'Will you be minnnnnne'
He got on his knees and strummed his guitar one last time before setting it next to him
"I-I will" she hugged him and nuzzled her head into his neck as he chuckled
"I love you Izu" She giggled and looked at him before setting her lips onto his, they stayed like that for few minutes before pulling away from each other, saliva connecting their lips
"I love you too Shocchan" they looked into each other's eyes, cuddled into one another until her mom walked in, Deku looked up at her and smiled
"Mom this is the boy" Her mom gasped and screeched like a teenage girl fangirling
Todoroki chuckled and got up, pulling Deku up with him, and walked up to her mother.
"Hello I'm Todoroki it's nice to meet you" they both hugged and her mother was talking at a million words per minute while Deku just laughed. They spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, having fun with each other while Deku and Todoroki cuddled.
The screen went black with the words
'I love you'
Across the screen

Todoroki was red, completely red after watching this and a few people looked at him. Mineta tore off the tape of his mouth and acted like he always does
"HOT SHE WAS HOT WHATS HER NUMBER HIT ME UP BABY" Sero taped him up like butterfly in a cocoon and sighed
"He's gone and everyone leave Todoroki alone it's a multiverse and messing with him will make him embarrassed for no reason" everyone nodded and Mei just clicked the play button
A few words went up on the screen
'Don't show'
'He will hate you'
'3 more times'
The screen went black again

1511 words
The one you've all been waiting for I finally got out, I'm kinda proud of it and it took me a while to think of some song lyrics so I'm sorry if that sucked it hopefully you enjoy it! I'll update when I update

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