Chapter 11

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"Look! There are a lot of them!" you exclaimed excitedly pointing at a shoal of colorful fishes.

You had walked next to a porthole, and chibi Law had gotten excited over a weird octopus he saw, so you had brought him to the biggest porthole in the sub, and were watching the fish swimming trough the sea.

"Look, look! That one is very big!" he joined your enjoyment. "I want to catch one!"

"Me too, they're so beautiful." You smiled.

"No. I want to cut them open and see how they are on the inside," he said cheerfully.

You sweatdropped at his remark, laughing awkwardly. How could such a cute kid, with such a cute voice, say something that creepy in such a happy, carefree tone? In moments like that, you had no doubt he was your captain.

"Mental note: Never gift the captain a living being," you thought to yourself, feeling sorry for the poor animals that had the misfortune of falling on his clutches. "Clarification: The kid seems very excited about torturing a poor, innocent animal. It probably makes him happy. Gift the captain a living being whenever you need him to be in a very good mood," you filled the information, reconsidering your last thought.

"(Y/N), do you mind going to check on the captain? I went to inform him we're approaching an island but it seems he's not feeling well," Bepo asked you.

"What do you mean? Is he sick?" you questioned, your brows furrowing in worry.

"I don't know, but if you go to check on him, he'll feel better. He's happier when you're around," Bepo answered.

"Happier?" You chuckled. "Bepo, I get his hackles up."

"Yes, but even so he's happier when you're with him," he insisted.

"Whatever you say, Bepo," you said rolling your eyes.

"Sorry," he apologized tilting his head.

"It's ok, Bepo. I'll go." You smiled. "You watch Law, okay?"

"Yes, thank you. He's in his room."

Chibi Law followed you with his gaze as you left, wanting to go with you but knowing he couldn't, and hoping you would be back soon.

You went to your captains' quarters and knocked on the door.

"Go away," his voice grunted from inside.

You rolled your eyes. "It's (Y/N). I just came to inform you we're arriving to an island," you said raising your voice so he could hear you.

"Fine," was his only answer.

It seemed Mister Grumpy was especially grumpy today. Too bad you didn't have an animal to gift him... "Can I enter?"


You waited for a few seconds and entered without permission.

"What are you doing? I told you to go away," he growled as you entered.

"Why are you in the dark? Were you sleeping?" you said closing the door. The room was very dark, being the only source of light the soft underwater glow coming from the portholes. You could barely see his figure lying on the bed.

He didn't answer, so you went to his bed and turned on the light. He turned around to hide his face from you, with his back towards you, and you sat on the bed next to him.

"Why are you so unfriendly today?" you asked, choosing your words carefully.

No answer.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now