Chapter 9

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You were stupid. Very, very stupid.

When you kicked the couch last night, feigning a tumble, you actually hurt your foot. You didn't know if you had broken anything, but it hurt every time you walked.

"Why do you walk weird?" Chibi Law noted you had problems to walk.

You smiled. "It's my foot, it hurts a little," you replied.

"I can heal you. I'm a doctor. Come here, come here. Follow me," he said grabbing your hand and dragging you to Law's room.

You chuckled at his adorable confidence and let him take the lead.

"Lay down," he ordered once you were in the room.

Law wasn't anywhere to be found. You took off your shoes before doing as he told you and lying on the bed.

He climbed it and crawled towards your head. "Open your mouth and say 'ahh'."

You did as he said trying not to laugh.

He then poked around your neck and tummy, unintentionally tickling you. Next, he placed his ear to your chest. "Take deep breaths." He listened as you slowly breathed. Finally, he crawled to your feet. "What's the hurt foot?"

"This one," you told moving your injured foot.

He took off your sock before examining it. "You have a hematoma," he stated professionally.

You raised your foot to verify his statement and saw he was right; a dark bruise covered the low part of your toe.

He took your leg, placed it back on the mattress and kissed the bruise with care.

"Are you kissing it better?" You chuckled.

He nodded and gave your toe another kiss.

"Thank you, I'm feeling much better already."

"What are you doing here?" a smooth voice questioned.

You raised your eyes to your recently arrived captain. "I got hurt yesterday when I tumbled with the couch and doctor Law is healing me. He's a very nice doctor." You smiled looking at your cute little 'doctor'.

"You're hurt? Why didn't you tell me?" Law approached you and took a look at your foot. "Let's go to the sick bay."

"She's my patient. I'm treating her," chibi Law protested.

"She was my patient first," your captain retorted.

"You're not taking her away." Chibi Law got off the bed and stood between Law and you, his hands in his waist and an angry look on his face as he stuck his tongue at Law.

The surgeon went to grab your arm, but his small version shoved him away. It took Law by surprise and he had to step back, blinking startled.

"Don't touch her!"

Law towered over the child, glaring at him in annoyance.

The kid didn't backed, holding the surgeon's stare in resolution and spreading his little arms to protect you.

"It's ok, honey. I'll go with him and show him what a great doctor you are. It almost doesn't hurt anymore," you told the kid, trying to soothe him.

"No!" he refused, deepening his frown. "I won't let him hurt you."

"He's not going to hurt me, sweetie. He's a doctor, like you. He just wants to heal me, as you were doing," you sweetly explained to him.

He turned to you hesitantly.

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