82. No One Gets Out Alive

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They're running so hard and so fast into a black unknown and they keep running and don't turn their backs.

Not a cheek of moon is visible and yet they're finding their way.

The air around them is charged with clashing auras as they run from what's chasing them.

The darkness becomes impossibly darker still, and begins to cloud the energy that is around them, suffocating the auras, making them no more than whispers of ashen dust.

At once they are lost. The entity is near and they know it, and yet there is nowhere further for them to run.

They still have so much fight left in them.

As they press their hands to their bodies to feel for sensitivity or blood that wasn't there just minutes ago, they realise they are injured.

The false confidence of adrenaline has them reeling in agony as the throbbing of their torn limbs and oozing torsos has them on their knees.

A weeping silhouette of black vapour begins pouring out of their wounds and they cough and choke in its wake, gasping for what they know to be their final stolen breaths on stolen time.

"Benny, this is where it ends."

"It's okay. I'll see you six feet under."

They press their bodies together, streams of blood and ripped skin tangling and congealing and becoming one mutilated corpse.

As the entity catches up to the pair, it's aura becomes too strong to bear, too overpowering to their third eye.

Light appears in a vast flash and is followed by a deafening crack as Benny and the Boy are crushed.

And they are no more. This is where it ended.

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