The Abby Diaries--Final entry

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Hi guys!

Thanks so much for checking out The Abby Diaries, the special supplement to my upcoming debut novel, What the Spell?! Now that you've had a sneak peek of WTS?, I hope you'll help support me by purchasing What the Spell? either in the three e-installments or in hardback. (UPDATE: THE FIRST PART IS AVIALABLE TO READ NOW!

Now, I know you're used to getting all your content for FREE here on Wattpad, but here are a few reasons you should consider buying What the Spell?:

1. I got my start on Wattpad!!! Life's a Witch was the first book I wrote exclusively for Wattpad and after just a year, I'd gotten 19 million reads of it! And that's all because of my fans on here! And then, it was because of all of you that I ended up getting my book deal! So, basically, you're my peeps and I love you all.

2. Help me, help you. Okay, so, the bottom line is, the better my books sell, the higher the chances that other Wattpad authors will be discovered by traditional publishers. So, if you're an aspiring author and have dreams of seeing your novels on bookshelves one day, this could help to make that happen.

3. Buy my book and I'll tattoo your name onto my body somewhere. Okay, so that's not true, but if you buy What the Spell? you WILL get some pretty awesome stuff. Everyone who pre-orders the book will get an autographed book plate and will be entered into a contest to win an autographed copy of the book and a What the Spell? gift pack.

You can pre-order your copy of What the Spell? (and make me the happiest girl in the world) here:

EIther way, thank you for your support over the years and have a witchin' day!


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