The Abby Diaries: Entry Two

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February 28 * 4:32pm

Currently Reading: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith

The most bizarre thing happened today and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. We’d just turned in our latest assignment to Mr. Fitz and were busy cleaning up our equipment and straightening our work spaces when Asher appeared at the door. I was surprised to see him and instantly wondered what was wrong. I mean, he never visits me during class.

            A quick glance in Mr. Fitz’s direction showed that he was too busy talking to another student to notice that we had a visitor. Asher saw the same thing and stealthily walked over to where I was standing in the near corner.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked, being sure to keep my voice down so I didn’t draw any attention to us. My stomach began to tie itself up, but on the outside my face remained neutral.

            “Nothing. We got out early and I realized that I’ve never seen the school’s photography studio. Figured I’d come by, see my favorite sister in action,” he said, sitting down on my chair and shooting me a smile.

            “I’m your only sister,” I said, letting out the breath I’d been holding in.

            “And thus, my favorite,” he answered, winking at me.

            I rolled my eyes at him, even though I wasn’t really annoyed. I went back to organizing my supplies.

            “Is this your stuff?” Asher asked. “They’re really good, Ab.”

            I looked over to see him studying the photos that were hanging along the strings suspended across the room. He touched each one as he moved down the line. If Mr. Fitz hadn’t already critiqued us and given us our grades on the assignment, I might have scolded Asher for putting his fingerprints all over the glossy paper. But since they’d either end up in my folder of past work or in the trash, I didn’t bother.

            “Yeah,” I said, smiling. “They’re not bad.”

I knew how unusual our relationship was. Where most siblings fought, we pretty much always got along. We were the other’s closest friend and biggest supporter no matter what. Asher rarely had anything negative to say to me, so sometimes I had to wonder what he really thought. The truth was, even if the photos sucked, he’d probably still say they were amazing.

He finished looking at the photos of the purple flowers and moved on to the next batch. But instead of continuing on down the line, he stopped and leaned closer to the picture in front of him. I watched with curiosity as he stared at the shot a little longer than I would have expected.

I had a feeling he wasn’t admiring my great photography skills.

“Who’s this?” he asked, pointing to magazine girl. I suppose I should stop calling her that, since I know her name now, but it’s hard not to think of her that way. And it’s not like we’d be talking anytime soon.

“Brooklyn Sparks,” I answered. “Junior. Not a club kid. Not an extraordinary student. Sort of a loner.” I wasn’t sure she was a loner by choice, but I stuck to what I knew concretely.

“But who is she?” he repeated, quieter now. “And why haven’t I seen her around here before?”


“No clue. That’s all I got without going into stalker mode,” I said, pulling my book out of my bag and opening it to an earmarked page. I set my eyes on the words, but didn’t start reading. Instead, I began to wonder why my brother was so interested in this Brooklyn girl.

“She looks sad. And lonely,” Asher said, pulling the picture down and tracing the outline of the girls’ face with his finger. It was definitely going to be smudged now. “You can barely see her eyes, but there’s something there.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “Like what?”

“I don’t know…it’s like there’s something special about her.”

What was this now? Was my brother showing an interest in a girl at our school? And what was it that he saw in her that nobody else seemed to see?

“I sound crazy, don’t I?” he asked, finally pulling his eyes away from the picture to look at me. He’d never talked to me about girls before and I didn’t want to make it any more uncomfortable than it already was, so I kept my eyes glued to the page as I answered.

“You always sound crazy,” I said jokingly. I didn’t want to tell him that he seemed to be the only one at this school who thought there was anything remarkable about magazine girl. That everyone else treated her like she didn’t exist.

“You know what I mean,” he responded.

And I did. As crazy as it sounded, there had been something that had made me stop and take a picture of her. Maybe Asher was right. Maybe Brooklyn was more than just average.

“Can I have this?” he asked, holding up the photo. It took everything in me not to show how shocked I was by his request, but I managed to shrug noncommittally before going back to my book.

And that’s why I’m so rattled today. Because when I went into Asher’s room earlier, I noticed that he had the photo pinned to his cork board. The one of magazine girl. In between our family pics. He doesn’t have even a single poster of a hot actress or singer on his walls, but now this stranger has scored a spot in his room.

It wasn’t that this was bad…it was just totally random.

Does he know something about her that I don’t know? Does he just like the picture? Is it possible he likes her? No. Couldn’t be that. He’s never even met the girl. Right?

I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. Asher will tell me what’s going on when the time is right. At least I think he will…

Should I be worried?



Hi guys!

Just a quick reminder...if you want to know more about Abby and what happens with her brother Asher and Brooklyn, be sure to go online and order the 3 e-installments of WHAT THE SPELL? (UPDATE: THE FIRST PART OF WHAT THE SPELL? IS AVIALABLE TO READ NOW! for .99 each. Seriously, that's less than the price of a water at the movie theater! Remember, the more books I sell, the more likely that publishers will look here on Wattpad for untapped talent. Help a fellow Wattpadder out and you could be the next big writer!

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