Prologue: Hello Gabriel

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It was early in the morning in the city of Los Angeles, about 6 A.M.

A police cruiser pulled up tp a parking spot while a fat cop wiggled his way out of the driver's seat, heading out to get breakfast before the morning rush.

The officer had just walked through the doors of a Mary Lee's Donut Store when the police cruiser began to glow with holy light. The brightness quickly faded and there was a sound like the rushing of wind.

A man sat in the cruiser's front seat, though if anyone were present they would have sworn that he hadn't been there a moment ago. He was wearing a standard blue police uniform which he looked down upon in a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

The man glanced at his reflection in the car's review mirrors and smiled--it had been a while since he he had time and cause to visit Earth. A quick glance at his wallet named him as a low-ranking officer named Gabriel Church.

With one hand, he tapped on the keyboard of the police computer that was attached to the dashboard. Directions to the nightclub LUX popped up, and the man smiled once more.

Noticing a pair of sunglasses on the seat adjacent to him, he put them on and turned the key into the ignition.

As he backed out of the parking lot, the fat officer had returned from the shop with a box of donuts under one arm and a single treat in his hand. He dropped the sweet and waving at the police car to stop and that he was stealing and that he was under arrest.

The man leaned out of the window and yelled, good-naturedly: "Don't worry! I'm only borrowing it!"

With that, the police cruiser sped off, leaving the poor, confused officer alone with his donuts.

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