Spill the Beans

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"That... was amazing," Barb chuckled as we walked to Chemistry.

I smiled; "I'm just tired of Harrington thinking he's all that, you know? I mean to be honest, I don't think Nancy could have picked a worse time to sort of dissolve us into their group- I am not ready to put up with Steve, Tommy and Carol on a daily basis."

Barb laughed, "Me neither. Are you going to the party then, or..?"

"I doubt it," I muttered, "I can think of better ways I could spend my night than being forced to sit by and watch Tommy try to get into Carol's pants, and Steve try to bed Nancy."

Barb sighed; "I thought you'd say that."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I just don't want to go on my own, you know? I'd be a massive fifth wheel all night."

"Barb, you know you don't have to go, right?" I laughed.

She smiled, "Yeah I know, but I kind of want to keep an eye on Nancy... make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."

I nodded, lips pursed together.

"Look Barb," I said, "I admire how good of a friend you are to Nancy, I really do, but I think it's come to a point you need to be a bit selfish. It's not your responsibility to make sure Nancy doesn't fuck up... it's Nancy's. I mean let's be honest, she hasn't exactly been the same with us since she started seeing Harrington."

"You can say that again," Barb muttered, "When's the last time we had a girls night? Like rented Grease and sang along to all the songs and ate our weight in brownies?"

"It's been a while," I admitted, my voice small.

Before, we'd done stuff like that every weekend. I'd always spend Saturday with the girls, and Sunday with Dustin and the guys. Every Saturday, Nancy, Barb and I would take turns hosting a sleepover, we'd wear our comfiest, most embarrassing pyjamas and drink cocoa and eat junk food, all while curled up in our sleeping bags in front of the TV. We'd sing and dance and laugh, we'd talk about boys, and bitch about the populars... we'd bitch about Steve. About how he pranced around like he owned the place, or how he was so proud of his Keg King status we genuinely thought he'd add it to his resume, or about how he was disgustingly disrespectful of all these poor girls who fell at his feet. We'd all said that. Nancy had said that. She was always first to point out if the tally of girls now branded 'sluts' at school had gone up, and that it was all Steve's fault. She was always the first to say he probably had some sort of STD. She was always the first to say he probably had next to no game in reality, and it was only his hair the girls fell for. She'd said it all. 

And now look.

I glanced back at the four of them, watching how Steve casually slung his arm around Nancy's shoulders, how she blushed and held her books tighter, how she hung on to every word he said, how her eyes brightened and a smile stretched across her face when she went to contradict him.

She was head over heels for him. She must be. She'd completely gone back on everything she'd ever said about him.

"It's like she's not our Nancy anymore," Barb whispered.

I turned to see her looking at the group also. I nudged her to get her attention off them- we wouldn't want to be caught staring.

"I know," I murmured, "I don't think she is our Nancy anymore."

"Maybe I won't go to the party," Barb mused as we walked into the classroom.

"Barb, I'm not going to try to dictate what you do- it's completely your choice," I said, "But I can't see you having much fun, and with Carol and Tommy there... I'm sensing orgy."

Stranger Things Have Happened- Steve Harrington x OCWhere stories live. Discover now