Keep Digging

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"Sure! I've just got home but I'll be right over! Oh my God, there is soooo much tray station gossip or you today!"

I laughed as Robyn put the phone down on me. A genuine laugh. Not something I'd done for a while, all things considering. The chief had dropped me home, and I'd done as I was told. I'd showered, put on some comfy clothes that weren't covered in grime and who knows what else I was picking up in the wilderness, and I had eaten. I had followed my gut and called Robyn, craving a bit of contact with someone who was detached from the whole parallel universe, telekinetic children and missing persons crap.

Sure enough, an hour later, and the two of us were laughing in front of the TV at one of the films I'd picked while munching on the popcorn Robyn had picked up on her way over.

"So you feeling better?" she asked.


"With you not being at school... I know you weren't sick sick, but something must have happened for you to ditch."

"Oh... I'm sure you saw it on the news," I replied.

It suddenly dawned on Robyn as she became flustered, "Shit... I... I'm so sorry. Jesus, you probably don't want to talk about it in any way and here I am dragging it up. I'm sorry. Sometimes I don't think. Sometimes-"

"It's fine, Robyn," I smiled as I tried to put a stop to her rattling on; "I went to check on Jonathon and ended up spending the morning with them.  The chief found out about that, and the other extra curriculars I've been up to lately, and made me come home and actually do nothing."

"Your other extra curriculars?" Robyn smirked.

"You're disgusting!" I laughed as she broke into fits of giggles that sent her doubled over onto the carpet.

When she calmed down, she sat back up; "No but seriously, what have you been up to, Henderson?"

"I mean I've been out on one search party with the chief, but that wasn't what he was mad about. You know that party that Steve had when his parents were away? Well I went to that for an hour to keep Barb company and... something chased me on my way home. If it hadn't been for Jonathon being in the right place at the right time..." I shuddered; "I don't even want to think about what could have happened to me."

"Damn," Robyn whispered, "You never told me. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine- I was shaken up at the time... still am, I suppose. But it's fine. I'm still here, not a scratch on me... which is more than can be said for some people."

We fell into a silence. Obviously Robyn was the first to break it because she just cannot sit in a silence without finding it chronically uncomfortable.

She snorted quietly to herself; "Speaking of scratches, Steve Harrington was sporting a rather fetching plaster across his nose this morning."

I chuckled despite myself; "Yeah, I saw him in the video store."


"Yeah, he was playing hookie," I replied, catching Robyn's baffled tone before she could finish her sentence; "Something about a fight with Nancy?"

"Oh my God, yes! My tray station gossip!" Robyn sat up straighter and settled herself into a comfier position; "Are you prepared for the dish of the century?"

"Enlighten me," I challenged.

"So this argument they had behind school was because Nancy went back to Steve's house during the day sometimes. Said she went to look for Barb. So Steve is really pissed because she didn't trust him enough to tell him or whatever. So Nancy tells Steve she's seen some sort of man without a face? Radical, am I right? So then it dawns on him they'll have to talk to the police and it'll come out about the party and daddy dearest will be annoyed, so Nancy takes this as he cares more about himself than Barb, calls him unbelievable or something, and storms off."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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