"What are you gonna do about it?"

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"You saw a Demogorgon?" Lucas all but screamed at me.

Dustin, Mike and I furiously shushed him, very aware that we were in public.

"That's impossible," Mike countered.

"Look I'm not saying I saw a Demogorgon specifically, but that description directly fits what I saw last night," I defended.

"Regardless, until it bothers us again, I say we leave that one to Hopper. We've got to focus on finding Will. Agreed?" Mike asked.

"Agreed," we all seconded.

"I still don't get what that weir- what Eleven was on about with the board thing," Lucas said, self-correcting when he saw my raised eyebrow.

"So she knew that Will's piece was the wizard right off the bat, without any help?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Mike said.

"Superpowers," Dustin added.

"Dumb luck," Lucas spat.

"Did she know who any of you were?" I asked.

"Well no... but she didn't really use us for the demonstration," Mike answered.

"Or did she?" I thought aloud.

"What do you mean, Gracie?" Dustin asked.

"Well... were all your pieces on the board when it was turned the right way up?" I asked.

They all nodded. 

"But she took Will's off?" 

Again, nods.

"And then she took all of your pieces off so she could flip the board and put just Will on the black side?"

"Yeah?" Mike asked, eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to follow my brainwave.

"Well... no, it's stupid," I said.

"No- go on!" Dustin urged.

"Well could it be like a metaphor? Like there are two sides of the board and we're all on one side and Will's alone on the other?" I asked.

"You mean like a-" Lucas asked.

"Parallel universe? Alternate reality? Yeah, that's what I'm getting at," I clarified, and all the boys fell into silent thought.

"Like yes it's far fetched but there is something really weird going on in Hawkins. Like whatever I saw last night, Demogorgon or not, was not normal, and there's something weird happening with the electrics at Will's house. At this point, I doubt I'd be that surprised if a dark parallel universe was thrown into the mix..."

"Could be worth researching," Dustin shrugged, looking to the guys for support.

"Yeah I guess," Lucas agreed.

"Look, you guys are way better at this stuff than me. Maybe I'm just tired and shaken up by last night, but honestly, I'd rather leave no stone unturned in this search for Will, no matter how far-fetched, so I'd really appreciate you guys having a look into what she could be getting at," I said.

The boys nodded as the middle school came into view.

"I've got to run. Have a great day, guys," I said.

"Wait, Gracie!" Mike said, "We're meeting at the power lines behind my house at 3:15 for Operation Mirkwood. Meet us there."

"Operation... Do you know what? Just fill me in later. Yeah, I'll meet you guys there. Have great days!" I called, dashing off.

Stranger Things Have Happened- Steve Harrington x OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum