Chapter 28

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"I call upon thee. Open! Gate of the southern cross! Crux" I chanted as the familiar elderly spirit appeared in front of me.

"Miss Lucy, how may I help you today?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in anticipation.

"I wish to know what Zeref has at his disposal." I asked as he started snoring.

"He's asleep!" Orga called out to me in shock.

"No he's not he's searching for the answer." I answered confident in my old friend's abilities. After all he's never left me down before. Crux woke up with a scream and everyone but I jumped. I stood patiently waiting for the information I had asked for.

"WAAAH...I'm afraid Miss Lucy, the only information available is about his guard."

"Anything would be of help, Crux."

"His guard. The Spriggan twelve." Crux started as I listened. "As the name suggests, there are twelve people in his guard and luckily for you I know all their magical powers. First off you have Jacob Lessio, he is skilled in the art of assassination, his magic is stealth and transportation. He can diss spear in front of your eyes, do keep your guard up." Crux warned. "Next up is Bloodman. He is made of etherious and dubbed as the grim reaper. He holds some of the curses from the demon guild Tartaros. There is also Ajeel. He is a very twisted person who is obsessed with destruction. He holds a power similar to Fairy Tail's Max but much more powerful sand. He can dehydrate you very quickly leading to death." A vibe of seriousness rang through Sabertooth as everyone realised that they would fight to kill.

"Brandish is next, isn't she." I asked him, he nodded slightly and I sighed.

"Who's Brandish?" Asked Minerva

"Brandish was my best friend growing up, her mother moved with her to the Alvarez empire, I asked Aquarius where she was when I was in the Spirit world. Her magic alters Mass." I explained. "Mass being, she can make things bigger or smaller, not to worry, I have a friend who can help me on this occasion. She'll be no problem." Aquarius Key glinted in a malicious delight.

"Very well, next is Dimaria, she holds a god take over of the time god Kronos."

"Is he?..." I trailed off dreading of what Crux was to say next.

"The very same Titan that is Zeus' and many others father." The god keys that I held glowed golden on anger and Zeus himself appeared before us.

"Leave our father to me and my brothers. Hades, Poseidon and I possess enough power to expel the god form and battle him while you battle the vessel." I nodded at Zeus, trusting him and his brothers as my allies and family.

"Next is Larcade, a demon created by Zeref himself. He is, in magical sense, the opposite of his creator." The opposite? Zeref is a dark magic user so that must mean.

"Light magic..." Rogue took the words right out of my mouth, Crux nodded.

"Not just any light magic, he controls what he calls the necessities of humanity. Sleep, hunger and pleasure."

"Rogue. You and Sting will be able to defeat him easily." Rogue nodded at me and squeezed my hand letting me know he wouldn't let me down.

"Wall is a Machia. A machine. He has 2 bodies so don't be surprised if he comes back again and again. Next is Invel, the winter general. Gray is the only one who will be able to beat him Miss Lucy." I nodded, writing down the information to send to Fairy Tail. "Neinhart. You're already familiar with his magic."

"He's the one that created Lisanna?" I asked, he nodded at me. "He'll be the first to go, as long as he's there he can conjure up people most dear to us and use them against us, I also want everyone to share their weakness with each other in case he uses our own members against us."

"Also, our first wizard saint, God Serena has recently deferred to the enemy sides." I grinned at that.

"That's fine. God Serena will be no problem." I waved him off and the guild looked shocked.

"But Lucy! He's the number one wizard in Fiore!" Someone shouted.

"Trust in me and more so, my sister."

"God Serena has 8 dragon slaying lacrima inside his body. The future queen of the dragons is the only one who can defeat him." I nodded to back up Crux's explanation.

"And then you have Irene and August. The two most powerful wizards at their disposal. Irene is an enchantress, as well as Fairy Tail's Erza's birth mother. The self proclaimed Queen of Dragons. August is a special case, he knows every magic known to human kind."

"How are we to beat him then?!" Asked Rufus shocked.

"He copies magic in a sense. Very similar to you, Rufus Lore. However he cannot copy holder type magic."

"Leave him to me then." I spoke with utter confidence. I would beat this 'August' for my guild and my home.

"Miss Lucy, I should tell you that August is the biological son of Zeref and Miss Mavis." Master Mavis? It seemed that everyone needed catching up in one way or another.

"I expect that they'll also bring soldiers?" I asked, Crux nodded.

"I am sorry I couldn't be of more help, Miss Lucy." He apologised.

"Nonsense Crux, you've been a lot of help. Go back and rest, I need to call in some favours." Crux disappeared into golden sparkles as he faded to the Celestial Spirit World. "Okay, guys! Other than the GMG group, I need everyone to get to Fairy Tail and give them the information we just received other than Ezra being Irene's daughter and August being Mavis' son!" Majority of the guild ran out to the train station to get to magnolia, energised and ready to fight for the guild. "Guys, we need to split up and ask whatever guilds are willing to help us, the more magic, the better." I took my portal key and swiped it. "Open! Gate to the Royal Palace! We haven't got much time so let's go!" We all cheered and the others left through the door as me and Rogue stepped through the portal.

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