~ Chapter VI ~

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"Why are you all of a sudden so spaced out, Y/n?" The woman asked, her frowning at the sitting daughter opposite her, the girl calmly eating the cold rice for breakfast.

"I'm not." I replied, biting into the half-old leftovers.

"Liar! Then..."She triumphally pointed at my face. "What are those bangs under your eyes, hm? And that attitude of yours is even worse, compared from before you were at least bearable to the sight."


"Speechless, are we?" The woman began again with her humiliation. I clenched my fist under the wooden table, choosing between what should I do in reply. The normal me would have lowered her head and shyly endure the criticism, but a force pulled me up and light an invisible wire pulled my head up. She stared at me in bewilderment. I felt heat rising to my cheeks.

She quickly shook her head, so everything she had seen would just disperse into nothingness. "Tell me, what is the cause of your restlessness?"

"Nothing." I murmured.

"I already heard that excuse before. And this..." The older woman, that I sadly called 'mother', reached towards the loose hair, her frown deepening. "Hide that hideous strands or I'll cut them." She threatened.

At that moment, my older sister came. Eavesdropping as per usual, but somehow, she always got away with it. "Just tremendous, right mother?" Sakura, the second oldest daughter, derisively complained.

"Listen to your sister for once, Y/n. You should look up to her."


"Still silent? Huh...Then I guess you won't mind if I forbid you from going..."

"To the festival?" Sakura suggested, finishing mother's sentence with mischievous smile on her face.

Mother clapped her hands and proudly beamed at the daughter that stood between the door. "Exactly."

The unrestrained joy. Children's laughter. Sweets on the exhibition boots. Hundreds of lamps illuminating the podium as well as the night sky...

My face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant the mouth hung with lips slightly parted and my eyes were as wide as they could stretch. "W-what?"

"I mean...It is logical, dear. It's a punishment for your disobedience."

"But I haven't done anything wrong!" I rose my voice.

She normally glanced back to the hot up of tea, bringing it to her mouth and blowing into the steam, taking a small sip. "On the contrary. Your attitude is bringing shame upon our family's name. Now you should take the responsibility for your actions."

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