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I doused another shot.

Of coke. No, I don't drink, sorry to disappoint.. I was still shaken about the incident earlier. Alexi. Why in the world will he club?

Oh right, he's a jock. Of course he will club and besides that club, also known was the "NightStar", was a newly open club in New York City, so there wasn't any reason why he should'nt go. 

Imagine his face if he saw me in a club, with this kind of exploding attire, he would probably ruin my life using that. Yeah sure, he seems nice but looks can be deceiving. Reading tons of romance stories make me really very conscious around guys, especially jocks.

"Wow Heidi, stop drinking coke, your tummy will collapse." Jess said disapprovingly. The music pumped in the air, yeap, we moved to another club far far away from NightStar, we couldn't have Alexi ruin our clubbing experience, could we?

I smiled half-heartedly and wanted to say something but instead a burp came out of my mouth. Well, that shall be my answer instead. Jess backed away, "Ew heidi! Just ew! You burp in my face you tard"

Katie and Yumi were laughing, apparently finding our exchange entertainging. Jess narrowed her eyes at Katie and Yumi. They just laughed even more. Jess then took a big shot of coke and sat in front of them. Katie and Yumi raised their eyebrows in confusion. Jess took a deep breathe. Katie and Yumi finally realised their situation and wanted to scram but it was too late.

Jess burped a big burp infront of their faces. Oh god, Katie's and Yumi's face expression were so epic that I doubled over laughing my ass off.

""Oh baby, the game is on." Katie announced and brought the glass of coke to her lip. I gasped in mock horror but smiled.

And that's how the burping competition continues for 3minutes until the group behind us ask us to shut the burping. Disgusted most likely, how often do you see girls burping in public? Not very much actually. Haha.


I twist my skirt in worry. It was Monday, the start of a brand new week, of school. Time to see the annoying Brian and chanced upon Alexi.

I groaned inwardly at the thought of Alexi. What if he sees me? What if he figure out?? Will he rat me out? Will he threaten me? Will he ruin my school life in Wattale College? 

Unconsciously, I knocked my head onto my school locker. Oh god, I should have known. I continue to bang my head onto my school locker until I heard a chuckle and that's when I snapped my head up.

"Is that one way to be smart?" He teased.

I laugh nervously, "Nope.. it's actually bad for the brain.. you know.. with the whole knocking your head on something hard.."

He gave me an amused look, "So how's your weekend? What did you do?" 

I narrowed my eyes slightly at Alexi, my brain's gears started to kick up. "Just a normal weekend, shopping and going out with my friends." I lied smoothly.

He nodded his head and tapped his chin with his finger thoughtfully, "Really? I thought I saw you in a club" his eyebrows raised when he mention the word 'club' , "Guess I'm wrong then."

I froze in panic, HE DID SAW A GLIMPSE OF ME. I managed to recompose myself, "Haha" I laughed, "Why will a nerd like me go into a club?" 

Alexi nodded his head again, "True true, but she has a hot back view." 

I grinned inwardly at the comment but judging from his sentence he will definitely hit on 'her' if he ever saw 'her'. Playboy. Typical.

"Lucky her then" I smiled a little. Alexi grinned his 100volts grin and it dazzled me to be honest.

"Yeah, anyways, see you around Alela, I got to find a teacher. Adios~" he said waving at me before turning around.

"Bye." I said. When he turned round the corner, I groaned and thump my head onto my locker again.

This is just too worrying, I need to be more careful next time.

And with that thought, I hurriedly rushed to my literature class.


finally an update :D time for some lil rant!

I'M IN LOVE WITH PEWDIEPIE'S VIDEOS :D don't know him? check him out in youtube ^^ he makes witty comments and hilarious reactions in horror games like slenderman (my friend and I call him slendy lol), Amnesia (it's evil), the house (creepy music) and many many many more :D 

And most importantly,

BARRELS. *brofist* (u will understand barrels if u watch his videos) 

have a wonderful day my readers~ comment and vote too ^^v



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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