Hell #1

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"I'm killing Brian. For sure." That's the sentence that keeps ringing in my brain.

I look at myself in the mirror. I could feel my eyebrows twitching in annoyance, glaring at my reflections in the mirror. I couldn't believe he actually demanded that! I thought he was a naive, innocent nerd. I guessed not. I sneered at the mirror, looking down at my assets.


Yes, that's what Brian demanded through the phone call. I was practically shouting at him to change and then the shouting became pleading, all he could do was laughing over at the other end and saying what's decided is decided. I was still pleading and shouting profanities at him which made him laughed even harder and then, he bloody hanged up on me but not before reminding me to wear a dang pushed up bra.


Sadly, I do. I hardly wore it, my mum got it for me a couple of months back, hoping I would doll up more, but I just stuffed it under my piles of clothes, hoping it will suffocate. The worse thing was that the bra is of black and lacy. 

It will draw plenty of attention both girls and guys. My school uniform wasn't completely opaque, it was rather translucent, since it was white in color, any dark colors would be a tad bit obvious. That was why my bras were always light colored. 

I banged my head on the mirror and face palmed myself at the same time. I could make out the black outline of the bra. He's gonna bloody pay for these. At least the good thing was that, my friends would be suffering with me. 

I cringed at the attention which was growing constantly. Oh come on! I wore a black jacket! I guessed the push up bra had lived up to its name, my somewhat non-existent breasts had miraculously became bigger and more prominent. It couldn't be that obvious!! Oh gosh, this is embarrassing. I walked by a group of guys and they actually wolf whistled at me. I ground my teeth, annoyed. 

I'm supposed to be the nerd. I don't like attention, some is fine, but now, it's definitely driving me nuts. Katie, Yumi and Jess immediately crashed me into me, making me almost fall over.

"Alela! Save us!" they looked at me with big eyes. I groaned, "I can't even save myself" 

Their eyes trailed down to my boobies and they gasped. "You wore too??" Jess whispered, shocked. I nodded miserably. Katie laughed, "You're in deep shit then Alela~ that bra looks pretty sexy." I groaned in misery and Yumi just had to add that the guys are practically drooling over my now much-bigger boobies. I cursed under my breath, muttering curse words that will shock my parents.

I'm practically fuming when I reached my first class, girls were whispering to one another and guys were staring at my chest. I clenched my fist tightly, chill Alela, violence doesn't solve anything. Just one day of this bullshit, the rest of the shit week can't be worse than this.

I was walking to the canteen with my three awesome friends, trying my very best to ignore the stares and murmurs. It was a wonder that Amy still haven't confront me. It worried me and yet it made  me relieved. I couldn't handle yet another drama, this drama was already mortifying. 

I plopped down my seat and rested my head on the seat. My friends offered to help me buy my food. Lucky for them, their push-up bra wasn't that hardcore so it didn't drew as much attention as mine.

I was drawing random shapes on my table when a low husky voice broke my trance. Curious, I looked up and oh my effing gosh. Looking down at me was a totally gorgeous guy with big cute eyes of a color that is grey, mysterious and alluring. 

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