Day 1

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All About Tonight (AAT)

All rights reserved. Any infringements, unauthorized copying, printing and distributes will be dealt with. All the club scenes may NOT be the same as actual clubs; base on my imagination purely since I went to a club once and in Singapore (not in America) :X

Story came from my brain, freshly squeezed by my brain juice. I will hunt any people down who copy my work.

All to be in Alela's POV unless otherwise stated.

Written by Angelique CS , 2012. 





"FINAL YEAR EXAM'S RESULTS ARE RELEASED!!!!!!" some guy shouted down the hallways. 

I snapped my head up from my chemistry homework. OH. MY. GOSH. RESULTS ARE OUT!! I looked at my friends, and they all grinned back at me. I bit my mouth as I slowly got up from my seat. 

It is time to let Wattale College bow down to my feet once again!

I had studied relentlessly this year, hoping to wipe that smile off that guy's face. His presence just totally irked me. I hoped this year would be the year I would laugh in his face. 

I pushed up my glasses that are slipping down my nose. Annoying glasses that I should probably change them one day. I made my way out of the classroom slowly but surely.

Bingo. I'm a nerd. I love studying, I love the smell of books, I love how no matter how I study, there's always fresh new knowledge waiting for me to unearth. I might be weird, but that's me.

In fact, I'm Wattale College's very own nerd queen. It was pretty embarrassing in the beginning to have such a title, but after two years of holding that title true, it pretty much stuck to me and I embraced that title. The cheerleaders could not be bothered with me, which was totally awesome, some even asked me for help in their work. There were of course snobbish females with faces caked with make up and skirts so short, they might as well be underwear. 

I had a group of followers who respect me and always ask me for study tips. I'm fine with attention but just not too much. Drama might be my sworn enemy but I would and could create some drama myself, if I want.

"ALELA! Stop talking to yourself in your stupid brain, and come out! Teachers are pinning the results onto the board!" My friend, Katie said, smacking my head.

"No! Not my head again!" I whined, pouting, " I need those brain cells to win! AND also,I'm not stupid!"

"You won the last round remember?" Yumi, my another close friend cut in. I pouted more. 

"Stop talking and come!!" My last friend, Jess dragged me down the hall. I sighed. I need to gain more weight, so Jess can't push me around like a rag doll.

I saw the paper from a far, and also heard groans from people. I guessed they didn't score well judging from their tones. They should have studied, and not regretting now. Shaking my head, I walked faster to the board.

"Well well well, who have we got here?" a snicker was heard from my side. I turned and look at that person.

"Well well well, HI AMY!" I mimicked her words, feigning enthusiasm. Amy's expression grew darker. 

"Watch out who you're talking to bitch" Amy spat, her sides being flanked by other cheerleaders who were looking down on us. I rolled my eyes, not again with this stupid confrontation. 

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