hospital visitors

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i woke up in a strange room with all these machines layed across the room. I had a quick panic not remembering what i had done then it came to me i remembered everything about Paul and Cynthia and about me taking alot of pills and i felt stupid that i nearly killed myself over some boy.

" hello dear im so glad your awake i was so worried"

i looked to my right side to see where the voice was coming from and when i saw my dad i nearly broke my heart seeing the worry on his face i felt ashamed for putting him threw this

" hi dad im so sorry"

" why did you do it "

I knew that my dad liked Paul and i did not want to tell him the whole reason and what Paul had done as i did not want him worrying 

" me and Paul decided to break up it was a joint decision i just got sad and over thank everything i was stupid and should not have done what i did it was a second of madness"

i felt bad lying but i could not tell him the truth i was to ashamed and there are somethings you dont talk to your dad about and for me i cant talk to him about boys and my feelings it is to awkward in these moments i wish i had a mom that was here

" ah im sorry i really liked him but what's done is done best move on from it"

" your right dad"

" i better go that john lad is outside and has been there all night refusing to leave you"

i could not believe it John had been outside all night he really was a great friend

Dad kissed the top of my head and left me alone in my room and i thought about Paul and wondering why he had to cheat when i was so happy

" ello Tia your dad said to come on in is that ok? i can go if you want"

" no come in thank you for staying there was no need you must be tired"

" i am abit tired but i could not leave you after seeing you like that"

" what do you mean?" i asked confused

" the school  nurse found you lying completely lifeless on the floor and i was going to the headmasters office as usual when i heard a scream so i walked towards the noise and thats when i saw you lying there"

" im so sorry you had to see me like that" i felt so ashamed 

" im so sorry that a mate of mine drove you to do that"

" what are you doing here?" i shout at the door seeing Paul sheepishly step into my room

" i had to make sure you were ok"

" im sorry im still alive but don't worry about me your free to be with Cynthia"

" i don't want her she was a massive mistake im so sorry my actions led you to do what you did. i never set out to hurt you i just got jealous"

" what were you jealous of"

" well the relationship you have with John. i convinced myself that you wanted him and i got crazy jealous went to the cavern and got drunk and Cyn was there and she was all over me and i fell into her trap and im ashamed"

john could see Tia soften towards Paul and it mad him crazy

" you still shagged her she didn't force you to" john snarled

" i know i was weak"

" your always weak where women are concerned you have cheated on every girl you have been with"

" and so have you John so don't act like your innocent to impress her'

" im a bastard but at least i admit to it and everyone knows it but you act all nice and stick a knife in peoples backs. you slept with my ex girl and cheated on my mate"

Paul was getting annoyed as he never coped well with arguments

" Tia i will call back and talk to you when we can be alone. i still love you you know"

" please don't call back i have nothing to say to you. we are finished  so that is that"

" but we can work threw this i love you i really do" he pleaded"

" paul im to hurt to think about this all just leave"

' i can't leave until i know that there is hope for us"

Tia looked into his eyes those puppy dog eyes that made her weak and made her succumb to him

" there's hope" she whispered and john looked at her and for the first time she saw hurt in his eyes

Paul left smiling and John started at her shocked

" theres hope really?"

" i don't know John im so confused "

" he cheated on you"

" because he was jealous"

" and everyone gets jealous that is no excuse i can't believe how weak you are being"

" well i am weak john hence why im in hospital i can't just stop loving him overnight no matter how i try and fool myself that i can"

' you can do so much better than him and he will break your heart again and i don't know if i can stand and be friends with you and watch it happen"

" what do you mean"

" i think we should not be friends its for the best"

" john no don't you leave me"

"well then make a choice it is either me or Paul"

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