Chapter 3

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My fingers grazed the clouds as we soared above the streets of London.

Peter laughed as he watched me look around in excitement, "This must be your first time so high up in the sky."

"Of course!" I shout over the wind, looking at our interlocked hands. My face grows warm even with the breeze caressing my face.

Tinkerbell chimed into my ear, but I couldn't understand what she said. Peter nodded, because he understands what she says of course, and tightened his grasp on my hand, "Get ready, because it's going to be a bit complicated now."

"What do you-" I started to say, but Peter quickened up his speed, and practically soared towards the stars. I guess you can say that he wasn't kidding that he lived to the second start to the right.

I closed my eyes, and braced for the worst. Peter gave a shout of delight, and Tinkerbell chuckled alongside him, and I waited for the end to happen.

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"Aria," I heard Peter's voice close to my ear.

"Y-Yes?" I ask nervously, keeping my eyes closed.

"Um, it's over, you can open your eyes now," Peter tried to console me.

I opened one of my eyes slightly, and then both of them flew open as I saw that we were resting on a cloud, and the view of the ocean was below us, "Is it even possible to lay on a cloud?" I doubted.

"Only in Neverland," Peter spiraled up into the air, and gestured around us.

"Wow," I sighed, "I can't believe this is actually happening."

Peter floated back down onto the cloud, and pulled me closer to him. I felt my face turn red as his arm wrapped around my shoulder. He took a telescope out of a pouch he was wearing, and handed it to me, "Look down there, do you see anything?"

I peered through the device and scanned the ocean's waters. I could make out the figure of a ship, possibly a big one, with two words etched into it's side.

The Jolly Roger.

Peter snatched the telescope from me, noticing my pale expression.

"Is that a... Pirate ship?" I asked.

"Should we have some fun?" Peter grinned at me, and was about to jump off of the cloud, when I grabbed his arm and yanked him backwards, "Hey!"

"Don't do it!" I argued, "It isn't safe!"

Peter laughed, and ruffled my hair. I frowned and tried to pat it back down. "Don't worry," He sneered, "Hook has yet to beat me once."

"Hook," I mumbled, "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"Well, if you're done thinking about it," Peter tossed me into the air, and caught me as a prince would carry a princess, "Let's go!"

I shrieked as we plummeted towards the ship, and as Peter slammed into the deck, all eyes on the ship turned to look at us.

One person in particular, who was wearing the biggest and floppiest hat ever, that could barely fit on his head, and a red jacket that barely grazed the wooden floors, looked at us with a disgust in his eyes. I found his curly mustache slightly hilarious, but held in my laughter, due to the silence that fell over the entire ship.

"Peter Pan," The man spat out, like literally, spit onto the floor. No sense of personal hygiene at all.

"Disgusting," I muttered, and Peter gave a slight giggle to my reaction, which I couldn't help but find that adorable. Excuse me.

"Captain Hook!" Peter shouted, "I see you haven't lost your sense of style."

This Captain Hook guy stormed up at us, waving his left arm wildly, and pointing at us with his... Hook? "You, Pan, are the cause of this! I have been stuck on this island for who knows how long-"

"To get your revenge on me," Peter recited as someone would say a poem, "I know."

Hook went straight into my face, which by the way, I was still being carried by Peter, and lifted my chin with his cold, metal hook, "I see you've found yourself another girl," He cackled.

Peter kicked Hook's arm away from my face and snarled, "That person has no relation with her, so leave Aria alone."

"Aria," Captain Hook's voice dripped with venom, "So, that is her name, and what a lovely name it is as well."

"No reason for you to tell me that," I snapped, and Hook glared at me.

"No need," Hook wiped off the invisble dust off of his hook with his spare hand, "I am not in the mood to murder you today, Pan."

"Wow," Peter said, "That's a first."

Hook shooed at us, "Now move along Peter, before I decide to rip out your girl's arms."

Peter muttered a few words that I do not care to say nor explain, and took off into the sky once more.

"You call that entertainment?" I looked up at him, and he gave me another crooked grin.

"Next time," Peter said, "We were let off the hook today."

"I had enough bad puns for today, especially any that involve the work hook in general," I groaned, and Peter laughed.

"Hey, Aria?" He asked with a serious tone.

Taken aback, I stuttered, "Y-Yes?"

"Well... Will you become a mother for me?"

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