Chapter 2

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For that I could've known, this could have all been a dream.

"Neverland?" I asked, "Where is it?"

Peter pointed into the sky, "The second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning."

"That sounds lovely!" I laughed.

Peter frowned, "You don't believe me?"

"Oh, I believe you," I attempted to console him, "But I don't know how to get there."

"I'm here to help you," He grinned, "Because I can tell you that the dreams you plan, can really come true."

"You... Heard me?" My face blushed bright red; he saw how desperate I was. I turned away, and he grabbed my cheeks to face him.

"Everything you believe in will come true. If you wish to never mature, then I can take you to the land where you will never, ever, have to grow up," Peter stared into my eyes, and I flinched in his hands.

"Never," I recalled from a book, "Is an awfully long time."

It was Peter's turn to freeze. He released me from his grasp and whispered, "Where did you hear that?"

"Hear?" I asked to clarify. He nodded. "I read it in a story."

"Stories," Peter's gaze turned distant, "I remember stories. Adventures, romance, action, I remember them all."

"Who did you hear them from?" I continued to pester him with questions.

Peter shook his head, avoiding the question, "Will you come with me? To Neverland?"

I thought. Would anyone realize if I left? My fingers clasped together, as I continued to consider Peter's generous offer, "What will I have to do in repayment?"

"Tell stories!" He exclaimed, his hands shooting into the air, "Lots of them! To me, the Lost Boys, everyone! Everybody at Neverland loves stories."

I giggle at his actions. He gave an embarrassed laugh, and ran his fingers through his sandy locks, and as I looked closer, the ends of his hair were a faded red. A mesmerizing color.

"Deal," I held out my hand to him, "Take me away from this awful reality."

He took my hand and gave it a hard shake, "I will replace it with amazing dreams."

"Now," I said, "How am I exactly going to get there? If you haven't realized, I can't fly."

Peter peered behind him, "It's okay to come out now, Tink."

A small figure appeared from his shoulder. A bundle of blonde hair tied into a neat bun appeared, and bright blue eyes looked at me curiously. It was a fairy; just like those who grant wishes in fairy tales. She wore a dress made from a single oak leaf, and dandelion fluff was wrapped around her feet for shoes. A pair of clear wings clung to her back, and spirals of light made small patterns and designs on them. She pointed at me, looking up at Peter.

"Aria, meet Tinkerbell," Peter gestured to figure on his shoulder.

I bent over to meet eye to eye with her, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tinkerbell. You are absolutely beautiful."

A chorus of bells escaped from Tink's lips, and she nodded as if she approved of me.

"No compliment for me?" Peter chided with a playful look in his eyes.

"Peter, you are quite dashing yourself," I burst out, and the sound of laughter and bells entwined and echoed throughout London.

"Tink, you ready?" Peter asked her. She nodded, and flew above my head, sprinkling something from her hands onto me. I looked around; nothing was happening. "You have to think happy thoughts," Peter explained.

"Happy thoughts," I mumbled.

I would love to explain to you about what I qualify as "happy thoughts", yet if I did, that would spoil the story, and the plot would not be as interesting, wouldn't it? Please do not be angered; the story has yet to reach it's climax, so bear with me for a bit longer.

"Look down," Peter said.

I looked down to my feet, where my feet floated a few inches off of the ground, "Amazing," I breathed, unable to understand how this was happening.

"All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust," Peter patted Tink's head, "And you'll be able to fly."

"Everything seems so surreal," I replied as I attempted a step forward.

"We're defying reality, remember?" He smiled at my reaction, and outstretched his hand toward me, "Now, shall we get going?" I took his hand willingly, and he pulled me out of my window, and on wards to the second star to the right; to Neverland.

Who would suspect a girl to disappear in the middle of the night, with nowhere to go but up?

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