Homestuck reacts to- an Update!

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Spoilers about the Homestuck update. To be specific it's labeled '[S] Game Over'. Something I'm sure other Homestucks would not want to speak about... for awhile... gog dammit...


Homestuck: *is checking MSPA* UPDATE!! Yes yes yes yes yes yes YESSS!! GIGAPAUSE END!!!

~*5 Minutes later*~

Hetalia: *walks in* hey Homestuck do you want- some..... what the fuck

Homestuck: *sitting on floor, rocking back and forth while crying* OH GOG Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!? *deeply inhales* Dave and- and Karkat--*sniffles* and Jake saving- *sob* NOooooooo-ho-ho-hooooooo!!! *sobs* My babyssss!! and- *sob* and Terezi! T-Then Kanaya and- *sniffles and cries some more* WWWWWHHHHHHYYYYYY!!!?!!?!?!??!!??!?!

Hetalia: o.o uh...*slowly leaves the room* *runs away* GUYS I THINK HOMESTUCK UPDATED!


Okay before Terezi even thinks about asking what happened- I'm gonna tell you---- in PM. >:3 see ya!

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