This Conversation

280 13 5

:33 yet another rolepurlay by me and Terezi... I was Mlp and she was Hetalia....       ~Nepeta


Hetalia: hmmm, I can't find my lap top, I guess I'll just use Mlp's, sure he won't mind.

Mlp: *bursts into room* NO!!

Hetalia: o.o why,,, do you have something bad on it??

Mlp: no..... Just- it my laptop- ask first!

Hetalia: bet you have porn on it *wiggles eyebrows*

Mlp: speak for yourself -3-

Hetalia: Hey, I'm not a kid show. YOU are.

Mlp: not my fault the fandom portrays shit like that!!

Hetalia: Think of some poor innocent child, looking for a cute pony online, but ends up finding a pony sticking its dick up another ponies ass *happened to him*

Mlp: 0////0 *takes computer* go find your own damn laptop *majestically flies away*

Hetalia: ugh, fine.

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