Don't touch Hetalia's Diary.

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Hetalia: *writing in Diary* 

HS, DW, & Sherlock: *Hiding behind wall, looking at him*

HS: What do you think he writes in that thing??

DW: Hmmm, I have no clue... but it would be rude to take it.

Sherlock:Now I wanna know...

HS: When he puts it down, lets take a little look? What do you say?

DW: Bu-

HS: Come on... I bet there's stuff about you in it--

DW: Let's do it--

Sherlock: I'm up for it.

Hetalia: *sets diary down & goes to kitchen*

HS, DW, and Sherlock: *sneaks into living room*

HS: *picks up diary & opens it*

Hetalia: *sneaks up behind them* *Hits them all on the head with a frying pan* DON'T TOUCH MY DIARY!

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