Life Response 1

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The present
Describe your life and who you are do you differ from your past self? What are your strengths now? What challenges are you facing?

  Who I am now: a 27 year old female that lives with her fiance and two dogs.

Describe my life: if I'm not sleeping, I'm high, doing some kind of arts project, cleaning, walking my dogs, writing, reading, watching tv, or troubled with extreme anxiety. I get paid a mere 150 a month and look forward to paydays and days I have drugs.

I differ in the respect of age and what that dose to a person. Even though im careless in my actions I have become more carefull how I am careless in certain areas. Like not using iv drugs or drinking. I would like to say my mind set on not sleeping with just anyone. I am in a commited relationship that stands  open on consent of the moment.
My hobbies have seemed to stay the same with the added ones of rocks and painting.

My strengths lie in my writing and swlf awareness. Sometimes I feel like I'm too self aware. I've been able to express myself and all of who I am through writing. I rely on blind faith and fate. Destiny is a path I choose for myself and free will I am begining to understand. I have a strong support group which I utilize which consist of my two dogs alice and courage, david my fiance, my aunt and uncle, davids family, my therapist Olga and my case manager david Chappell and other community solutions members.

Struggles I deal with are drug abuse and lack of income. Daily I have anxiety wether its from detoxing every other three to five days or not having something consrtuctive like a job to do with my time. I also am still struggling managing my bi-polar episodes. I also seep into depression often when boredom or self guilt is present. I also face obesity and lack of nutritional maintenance. I have copd and phantom pains I experince frequently. I lay in bed too much and there is an imprint in my bed where I lay.

A typical day. Wake around 7 or lay in bed for a few hours. Get up make coffee walk my dogs smoke a cig. Eat. Then see how im feeling or what I feel like doing.

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