A-Z 2019 Graditude List

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Alice is my companion dog. I am grateful to her in my life because she brings a unique joy to me. It's forever loyal and trusting. I know she will always be there for me when I want or need even if I can't tend to her all times she wants my attention, but most defiantly gets what attention needs from me. I could show her more gratitude by not having excuses as to why I don't run her more often. I should put more effort into her runs because I know how much she loves them.

Bi-Polar Disorder
even though I have struggled along the way due to this barin disease it has allowed me to reach depths in my mind that fulfill my broken ♥. It has strgenth like an ⚓ and that anchor weighs my soul to a balance between realms made of many world's that I enjoy being present in. This disorder is a 🔑 to opening the other 90 precent of the human mind. I have a feeling that emotional development is more than adaptive and consists of matters of the mind. Bi polar has given me great insight I'd may not have had without its existence inside me.

Courage is David's dog. Courage is like my little baby. He is totally a mommy's boy. He looks to me for guidance, acceptance and encouragement. Him and I have a special bond and it's difficult to explain it any other way then he is my little baby.

David has brought many new perspectives into my life. Although it can get overwhelming his natural knlowdge flows calmly and I can always rely on it. He has a heart of purity, from my point of view, he respects honesty and is very territorial and jealous and not afraid to let anyone know that I am his girl and he will fight to end of the world to keep me by his side. The love he has for me may be a little too much for me at times but I know he will love me as long as I'm loving myself or working to better myself. My happiness is his sole concern and for that I am very grateful for because most of the time I could care less is I'm happy or not.

Easter of 2013 was the first holiday I spent with David. We went to Church with his Mother. This was a very good experience back in a church after years of absence. His mother was impressed that David went to Church, which was because I wanted to go, and David and I bonded on family like level that day. Intamicy became more meaningful after that.

I had a troubled family growing up but I am grateful to have them. Especially my two brothers Louis and Noah. My world as a child would have been completely lonely if not for them. We physically fought moat days but that didn't keep us from expressing to one another our fears, hopes, dreams, passions, emotional pain or reality.

I am grateful for the guardians in my life for keeping me safe. I've had many. Some I chose, some chose me and others just happened to be. While my family neglected me as a child I had my school, churches, grandparents, pets and my parents friends shelter me from more than I can imagine.

At fragile and vulnerable moments in life when all seems lost and failure seeks doubt I have given into hope. Hope has an uphill as high as the sky. It's unconditional and is as big as ones hearts desires. It stands in line next to love; conquer of all. The pleasant atmosphere of power and tranquility combined overtakes me in a soothing embrace that I have no resentment. I greatly hope is available at my will and still understand where reality stands.

Imagination goes hand in hand, for me, with hope. Two completely separate things that need one another to exist I believe. Imagination has added beauty and colors to my meek and dark life. Without it id be a dull person to myself.

Even though I long to be a productive member of society and contributing through a career, being d has been a blessing. I don't have to worry about answering to someone daily that I don't like. I don't have to deal with the pressures of the work atmosphere. It has opened up everyday for new and spontaneous oppurtunities. It means I can go to bed late and wake up when. I want to. I've been able to see each day with fresh and frightened eyes to what awaits me. I am greatful to be jobless because of all the time I've been able to spend getting to know David and myself.

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