Chapter four: Pranks and revenge

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Erik and I sang for most of the day but we had to stop eventually because Erik said we might lose our voices. I didn't argue. We talked and laughed for the rest of the day. At about 10:00 I was getting tired and I think Erik was aswell.

"We'd better head to bed," I said yawning.

"Best had," he said standing up and yawning, "until I sort out a room for you, you can have my room."

"Where will you sleep?" I asked.

"On the sofa," he said pointing to a sofa behind me.

"Erik, you have your bed," I said, "I'll have the sofa."

I've never liked sleeping in others beds, even if I was sleeping over at a relative's or my old friend's house.

"Addie, please, have my bed for now," he said.

I had a feeling that he wasn't going to give this up anytime soon so, I thought of an excuse to get him to agree, "Erik, either you let me sleep on the sofa or you and I are sharing the bed."

There was silence for a minute until he finally answered, "very well, you can have the sofa."

The night was silent after that. I stayed away for what felt like hours giving Erik some time before I assumed he fell asleep. I have a stuffed animal that I sleep with and I was afraid if Erik saw that I had it he would make fun of me.

(Time skip brought to you by Addie's stuffed animal)

I woke up before Erik the next morning which I wasn't really surprised about, I've gotten used to waking up before 6:00 am for work

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I woke up before Erik the next morning which I wasn't really surprised about, I've gotten used to waking up before 6:00 am for work. At about 8:00 am Erik woke up but I didn't notice at first because I was writing in my notebook and listening to music with my earphones in. It was only when I looked up from my notebook to think on what to write next I noticed Erik standing at the doorway to his room.

"Morning," I said taking my earphones out.

"Morning Addie and morning to your little friend," he said walking over.

"Friend?" I questioned.

When he got over to me he picked up my Penguin and sat next to me putting my Penguin on his lap making her wave at me.

"Oh right," I said, feeling blush coming on my face, "you weren't supposed to know I had that."

"If it makes you feel better," he said handing my Penguin back, "I still have my stuffed animal."

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