Chapter Twenty-two: I'm Leaving

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John POV

I'm done all my Work; I plan to visit my love I miss her Mr. Smith said that Lena is still sick so I got ready to meet her it's been a month now that I see her not that I missed her but there's a lot of work to do and it is my free time today I headed to the entrance and a girl that I don't want to see "so what brings you here Slut" I said to her "I just want to talk Marcus do you have a minute?" that strange she is calm and not Violent "No, I don't have a minute I need to see my wife now so you better go and I don't have time for you"

"it is about your girlfriend Marcus" she shouts "what do you mean?" I ask her "she is in great danger Marcus if you don't leave her" what the fuck is she saying "fucking hell are you saying leaving her is not an option if she is in danger" I raise my voice in anger

"you don't understand Marcus when I told you that we are engaged I'm not kidding; the truth is I don't want to get married to you because you never made love to me even sex that's why I cheated on you but I had no choice your grandfather threaten my father if we're not getting married we will lose the company that my father always work on and she threaten to kill us we didn't do the marriage yes, Marcus I'm sorry for what I've done to you that's the only way to let you go when you see me on the other day I'm expecting that you still Love me when you told me those word that you love your wife I need the courage to tell you this you know me Marcus I can threaten by word by not action"

"then why are you telling me that she's in danger and why do I need to let her go?" I got confuse "the truth is I declined that marriage in I also said that you are in love with somebody else, but Marcus Your grandfather knows who she is and I heard that if you still seeing her someone that your grandfather command will kill her and no one will suspect because your girlfriend does not have enemies because of her kindness" shit what would I do "if you love her Marcus you know what to do and marrying me it's not an option anymore" and she Left I went to her house

"Mr. Smith and Ms. Smith Good Evening I came here to see Lena" I said "our little Princess always talks about you so you must be Marcus right please call me Angel" she lends her and I shake it

"I told you Marcus call me Sky or Damon and she is sleeping have a seat first and have some drink " I need to do this I don't want her to die "No, I won't take long I just wanted to see her but thank you Mrs. Angel and Mr. Damon" I smiled at them I went to her room then I see her sleeping I came closer to her and kiss her forehead "I Love you Marcus, I will always Love you"

"Go back to sleep Lena I love you too you are my world and if something might happen to you, I will not forgive myself for not protecting you, I Love you Mi Amor, You will always in my heart" I kissed her lips for the last time
Then I leave a note

Mi Amor if your reading this I'm far away now i don't want you to get hurt for my family dark secret if you only knew what is happening i can't live without you and if something happen to you i will not forgive myself I'm sorry that i leave with a note my love please remember this I love you so much you are the only girl that makes my whole world rotates just to see you smile i don't want anything from you i only want is you to be happy and to be loved.

Tears are starting to pour down to my face then Lena wakes up then i hide the note "why are you crying Marcus?" She said to me "it's nothing my love sleep now you need to rest" I smiled to her

"Please stay with me until I get to sleep Marcus because had this feeling that my happiness is just temporary then after that it becomes a nightmare" she said to me "okay My love I'll stay with you until you get back to sleep I Love You Lena" I said to her "I Love you Too Marcus" then she's back to sleep I kissed her forehead put the note on the nightstand and leave her room

I said goodbyes to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I headed home tears are starting to pour again I Knock "dad, Mom, Malia I'm Home Please open the door" when I grab the door it was unlock "Dad, Mom, Malia where are you" what's going where are they

"Brother!!" Malia came to me crying "Malia what happen where Mom and Dad"

"they took Mom and Dad" what the who took them "People of James family came here and took Mom and Dad, Marcus" what the heck "he's here and we found the younger child " when I look at the door four men with mask "who the hell are you where's my Mom and Dad" they punch me in the stomach then they slap my sister "you bastard stay away from my sister" then the other guy put a cloth to my nose and I get dizzy.

Victoria POV

I hope Malia tells Marcus that we are missing we are in an abandoned factory and my eyes is starting to see clearly "how's my Beautiful Ex-Fiancé who run away with this piece of shit" I heard a voice coming behind me no it can be Jeffrey "J..Jeffrey"

"So, you remember me my Baby girl you think that 39 years you left me in the altar"

"can't you just move on its been 39 years and what do you want from me" I looked around and I see Cloud is unconscious "what did you do to him" I shouted at him "no worries Baby girl I didn't do anything yet" then someone shouting "let go off my daughter you sick bastard"

"well well old man Long time no see" it's my father I see him struggling wait what's going on "well what a nice daddy and daughter bonding and son-in-law don't you think baby girl after your father breach the contract and letting you go with this bastard you ruined my life"

"father is this true" I ask my father "well what do you say to your only daughter you ruined everything to me and now my daughter will marry your son and if not, I could still marry you baby girl once I've done with your father and this bastard" he's kissing me "Let go of my wife you sick bastard"

"ow the Lover boy is awake you want to see what I'm going to do with your wife"

"Your sick bastard stays away from my wife you are a disgusting piece of shit" he punches Cloud


Would Lena believe the note or she will find the truth and bring back the life that she always wanted to be loved. please vote for the stories the next book entitled My Celebrity Love so stay tuned

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