Chapter One: Weak Brotha

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My motto?

“Fuck this; I do what the fuck I want.”

My rule, my religion. I live by it 100%. Too bad some bitches out there are too weak and boring to follow it. I mean, if everyone did what they wanted to the world would be a better place, right?

Err, scratch that. If the terrorist got their will, we would be blowing up like a winter’s day in freezing cold Antarctica.

Let’s just head to the introduction, shall we?

My name’s Kay, Kay Awesomeness. Okay, my name might not be that, but a girl can dream.

I live by two rules that usually decide whatever decision that lies before me.

One: If you don’t want to, then don’t.

Two: If you could bang it, bang it.

Eh, I may change it one day, but for now? I live by it every day. So far, so good.

I got kicked out of school lately because, well, I kind of…sorta…accidently burned down the school building.

Hey, I lost my lighter down in the basement where it happens to be gas. I didn’t know that the school would be on fire just as I was hot.

Let’s just say, the whole thing light up the city as if it was freaking New Year’s Eve.

From my point of view, I did those kids a big favor. The school looked like a homeless person’s sock after a few years.

It looked like a shithole.

So, since I accidently burned that shit down, the principal was practically forced to buy a new school building which turned out to be a much better one than the last one.

There should be a statue of me in front of it.

My old folks, as in my mother and dad, sent me to this school for rebellious kids. I was not looking forward to it, that I can tell you right now. But I would give it a try, and if it turned out to be as boring as the brochure showed me, I would try my very best to get kicked out of it.

Ehm, maybe this time I’d try to not burn it down. But who knows, accidents happens.

“KAYLA ALEXANDRIA THOMAS, GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN!” my brother Jason shouted from downstairs, sending shudders down my spine. He sounded pissed.

Shit, what the hell have I done now?

I ran downstairs, trying to come up with excuses to the crime I still didn’t know I had done.

Maybe he found out I hacked his Xbox and deleted everything on that piece of shit?

Or maybe he noticed I cut his magazines?

Oh fuck, what if he found out I talked shit behind him with his girlfriend?

With sweaty hands I faced my brother.

“Do you know what you’ve done?” he asks, his voice strangled as if he tried his best to not shout and yell the heck out of me.

I could come up with several ideas of what I have done, but for now, nothing seemed the best option.

“Nope, nothing. Nada.” I answered fast and rubbed my sweaty hands at my blue skinny jeans.

“Oh I think you do.” Jason flipped his long brown hair to the side, so he could see me clearly. “Admit it, Kay, you did this-“ he pointed at a letter with big words written on it.

Your Local Condom Store:

Dear, Jason Thomas, here is your free sample of condoms. Enjoy!

Okay, seriously, I couldn’t help myself from the bubble of laughter that rushed through me.

“You sent this with my name, didn’t you? Mom saw this, Kay. She thinks I ordered it.”

I laughed even more when I saw his face. It was so worried and so sad I just couldn’t help myself from laughing.

“Haha, happy birthday, bro!” I gave him a hug he certainly didn’t want. He pushed me away, but I didn’t feel offended just amused. He was clearly pissed, but I could hint by the look on his eyes that he too found it funny.

See, that’s how my brother and I work. We do our best to annoy each other, but we are always friends and allies at the very end.

My brother left while muttering something too himself. I could hear ‘payback’ between the words of curses he spit out.

I smiled and raised my eyebrow.

I’m the Queen of Pranks, whatever he did could not top mine in any way.


“Kay, what the hell did you do?”

I was kind of puzzled when my brother burst in to my room where I chilled to the max on my bed, chatting with my friend Alexei. I mean, I knew my brother, he didn’t usually burst in like that. “When did you get kicked out of school?”

Oh right, I hadn’t told him about the news.

Ehehe, woopsie.

I grunted and rolled my eyes, not wanting to tell him what actually happened.

Suddenly he grabbed me by the waist, pulled me down and held me tight while smashing a wet sock on my face.

“JASON! EW!” I screamed and tried to punch his face, but failed miserably since I remembered he was holding me down so tight I couldn’t even move.

“Tell me, and I will let your sorry ass go.” my brother demanded and glared at me, his eyes filled with amusement when he saw me struggling to get off his grip.

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head, still not wanting to tell him shit.

“As you wish.” I heard him whisper before the wet sock soaked into my mouth. I could feel the fluid of whatever it was wet from crawl down my throat, making me cough like a crazy bitch on drugs.

Jason let me go, leaving me to cough some more until I felt my head spin around and around.

“I’ll get it out of you one day.” Jason said amused and I heard a door close.

I was coughing so hard I bumped my head into the bedpost. I felt dizzy and nauseous and prayed to God to get the ugly shit out of my body system. I felt the taste of the sock in my mouth, gagging I ran to my bathroom and tried my best to brush my teeth.

The damn taste wouldn’t get off!

I brushed hard, now bleeding. I gave up and spit into the sink, drinking water as much as I could.

Better, I had gotten sixty percent of the shitty taste out of my mouth.

In rage and anger I left my room and searched for my brother to punch his face down, was this his way of payback?

Weak, brotha, weak.

--Author's Note:

Hiya hoes and bro's. This shitty story is unedited, so don't bitch about it please lol. It has like two readors or shit now. Gotta change that.

Im writing this new story because well, I'm bored. So whenever I'm bored I'll post a new chapter.

Hint: I'm always bored.

I'm hungry AF, so bai bai!


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