Chapter 11 The Wedding

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Chapter 11

October 8, 2019--- wedding bells rang at McKinney at four in the afternoon. The aisle was filled with white tulips and the people were all in a jovial mood. Hollie walked on the aisle elegantly with overflowing bliss as Joshua waited at the altar with equal feeling of joy. Applauses of guests were like music to their ears. Their parents and guests were mesmerized as the couple had their vows, sang. The words were spontaneous, moving and sincere.

The wedding dinner was held in a pavilion of a classy hotel. The night breeze was cool and romantic. The songs played were classic jazz and bossanova. Hollie could not describe how happy she was, living her normal life again. Being jailed by Devin was the worst 20 days of her life. She prayed so hard that God may give her a chance to be with her loved-ones, and it was granted. 

“Can I dance with my queen?” Joshua whispered.

“Yeah..sure.” Hollie giggled. 

“Hmmm…are you guys going to sleep now?” Heejun teased seeing the couple stood up from their seats.

“Heejun! They’re going to dance!” Jessica laughed.

Josh and Hollie just grinned at them and began dancing. Hollie embraced him tightly and tears fell on her cheeks. She suddenly recalled all the past years—the laughter and sorrows.

“Hey baby, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“I just can’t believe that we have survived all the trials. We made it, we’re still together.” She said looking at him. He wiped her tears with his fingers.

“It’s because we love each other so much. You know when I saw you so in love with Devin before, I felt like I was going to die. I forced myself to be happy for you because that’s the best thing I can do. I gave it a try with Fria, but my heart still led me to you. “ he beamed.

“Me too. But all those things were bound to happen to test our love for each other. I thought it was the end for us, but we’re just starting. I’m yours forever. I love you, beeuuup!” She replied. 

“I love you more….” 

In the meanwhile, Jessica was watching Hollie and Joshua dancing. She gazed at them dreamingly as she leaned her shoulder on the chair. 

“Sissy…don’t be too Jollie now, you didn’t see Phillip. He went out already.” Skylar elbowed her.

“’s okay,,,Maybe he’s just in the bathroom.” Jessica chuckled taking a sip of her red wine.

“Colton told me that Phillip has a problem… You better check him out.” Skylar said. The seriousness in her voice bothered her.

“Okay..okay I will…” Jessica sighed and quickly went outside. There, she saw Phillip by the pool talking to someone on his cell phone. She went near him after the conversation ended.

“Phil… would you like to swim?” Jessica teased. He was surprised that she was right behind him.

“Jay..I…no…” he laughed a little. “My friend just called. Let’s go back inside.” He offered.

“Later. Let’s just sit on the bench.” She said and pulled his arm.

“Yeah..what can I do? You’re forcing me.” He laughed.

“Sorry dear… I can feel that you’re keeping something from me…” she said studying his facial expression.

“I’m sorry Jay.” He began.

“Sorry for what?” she trembled.

“I know you will be angry but I have to be honest.” He said in a shaky voice. He held her hand.

“Come on...tell me..” she said anxiously.

“Starburst Records called me up. They offered me a huge amount of cash, house and lot in Washington plus a brand new car and other properties in exchange of a six-year exclusive contract. I accepted it Jess. I will leave on January next year.” He said hoping that she won’t freak out.

“What did you just say?” she asked in disbelief. “You promised me that you will buy a house in California. You promised me a lot of things!”

“Ssshhhh…” he said and was bothered that she began crying. “Jess, I accepted it but I gave them a condition. I have to seek your approval.”

“You’re nuts! You said yes to them and then you’re going to seek for my approval?!!!” she jeered.

“Here…” he said giving her a handkerchief. “Wipe your tears, your mascara makes you look like a zombie!” 

“I hate you!” she shouted as she wiped her face with it. Suddenly she noticed something fell from it. She looked on the ground and found a ring.

“That’s what I was talking about..I need your approval on that…” Phillip said loudly.

“On this?” she asked getting the ring with diamonds forming letter P on it.

“Yeah, that would be your new bling if you like you like it?” he asked.

“ cute. So what’s the relevance?” she wrinkled.

“Because if you marry me then I will leave on January with you.” He said.

“Huh?! You’re actually asking me to marry you?” She said, her eyes widened.

“That’s my condition to the record company, if you approve on my idea, I’ll take their offer.” He beamed. She was silenced.

“This is supposed to be Hollie and Josh’s party…” she frowned hiding her joy.

“Oh… let’s just do it tomorrow….” He stood up from the bench.

“Phil.. can you please tell Josh and Hollie to extend the party and give the 30 minutes for us?” she said. She felt like her heart was leaping.

Phillip smiled and embraced her.

“Is it a YES?” he asked happily.

“Yes…without a doubt!” Jessica said excitedly.

“Paging Jessica Sanchez…my bouquet wants you…” they could hear Hollie speaking on the microphone.

“Ah…oh..tell me, do they know about this?” Jessica asked Phillip, blushing.

“Yes, as usual, you’re the last to know…” he winked.

“Come on…let’s go and get my bouquet…” she said. They were holding hands as they entered.

“Oh my God! Another engagement!” Colton announced. 

Jessica and Phillip went on stage as Joshua and Hollie invited them.

“Everybody, it’s a date on February!” Phillip announced while Jessica showed her sparkling P diamond ring. Everyone else applauded.

“I guess our concert next month will be the most-talked about event!” Joshua told Phillip and congratulated him.

“So…Philjess heart is alive!” Hollie exclaimed.

“As alive as Jollie heart!” Jessica winked and hugged each other.


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