Two for joy

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Dear Astrid:
I don't think I'll come back to Berk in a season or two. I trust you, take care of our people

Hiccup scribbled down in a piece of parchment that the queen so kindly gave him. He had been in Dun'Broch for no more than a few hours, but he felt so happy to finally be there that he couldn't help but to wish he could stay there for ever.

I am oh so very in love. But that I believe you already knew. Even before i knew so myself.

Merida walked into the stable on which Hiccup had been resting, holding a cup with a warm liquid inside.

"Drink this" she said, offering the cup to Hiccup "it'll soothe the soreness of the trip."

Hiccup didn't doubt a second and drank the whole thing, immediately feeling lighter and less tired. He then proceeded to take his flight suit off, leaving only his olive green wool shirt and pants. He smiled at Merida, who was very interested in the methodical removal of Hiccup's armour.

"You built all that yourself, didn't you?" She asked, walking closer to the stack of leather pads. She fiddled with the compass.

"Yes. It's one of the inventions I'm most proud of." He said, smiling.

She looked up.

"It's amazing." She said, looking him straight in the eye. Hiccup felt the urge to touch every inch of her pale moon face.

"Thanks." Was all he managed to say before turning around, his face tinted crimson.

"Merida, I want you to know I came all the way here to give you my blessing to rule as the rightful queen," he recited as if he had been rehearsing said speech "and that if you ever need anything from me or Berk, you are entirely welcome to ask for it."

Merida nodded solemnly.

"I thank you ever so much for your blessing, Hiccup. The same honors and favors Berk offers to the highlands, will be returned three times fold, according to the good omens." she answered with the poise her mother always insisted she ought to have.

He laughed and put an arm around her. For a moment he felt as if her body was made to fit around his. He felt like he had been with her for countless lives.

"Now that that's settled, we can talk about trade deals later." He said, "how about we actually have some fun without having to worry about the war?"

She smiled smugly.

"I know just the place." She said, "but I don't think it fair to interrupt Toothless and Thundercloud, so how about we go in Angus instead?"

Hiccup's eyes widened.

"You mean Angus as in your huge can't-possibly-be-a-horse horse?"

They rode in spite of Hiccup's irrational fear. He was enamoured with the scenery, catching glimpses of fae folk among the trees. Merida's hair tickled his cheeks, painting them pink like cold, feathery paint brushes. Merida hummed softly, remembering times in which her mother sat by the windowsill looking towards the woods, she could feel her mother's spirit, but said not a word, silence being stronger a bond.

They reached a cliff from which trees hung and faery rings grew as spiral tombs. She got off of Angus and with princessy delicacy, lifted Hiccup and assisted him to get off of the creature himself. His languid body vibrated after the adrenaline had drained of his body completely, leaving him tired, shaky and oh so very thrilled. He smiled and didn't let go of Merida, even if he was already safely on the ground.

She wished to tell him to kiss her, then and there, but the heavy drops of invisible rain kept a veil in between the two hearts, tearing them appart like ships upon a stormy sea. The two stood there, wondering what it would be like to kiss each other's lips. Merida, fearlessly as always, pushed forward and very awkwardly planted a small, damp kiss over Hiccup's nose bridge. Even though she aimed at his mouth, she was satisfied with her small victory, and pushed her head back to a straight poise.

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