Six Kisses

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Where Cameron has six different types of kisses and each one tells a different part to their love story.

According to Cameron, she had four different smiles. There is the smile when she would be uncomfortable and force her lips to curve upwards in a polite gesture. There was a smile when she was amused and allowed a small smirk to slip onto her face. There was the smile when she would throw her head back and shake with laughter, allowing her beaming face to brighten the room and tears to trickle down her cheek. And there was Cameron's favourite; the smile where she unapologetically spoke of her greatest passions in this world, causing the sparkle in her eyes to glisten with each word that left her mouth. Through the years that he shared with her, he had become familiar with even the most minuscule details of each smile. And no matter which of the four smiles that she displayed, Cameron watched as a ray of sunshine would paint her face, and that moment always made the world seem a little less frightening. With a smile of his own automatically growing in response, he couldn't help but wonder how anyone could ever see her smile and not feel their feet collapse beneath them.

But she did not know his smiles. All she knew was that when he did, his eyes would narrow and his freckles would scatter all over his face. A tiny indent appeared in the form of a dimple, and his pearly white teeth were put on display for the world to swoon over. This was the only smile that she knew of Cameron, and it was the same one that left her smitten each day of her life.

She did not know his smiles, but she
did know all six of his kisses. They had become engraved within her mind, each one telling the greatest love story of all time.

The First Kiss. The moment had been long-awaited, as several dates had passed without anything more than a simple brush of their hands against one another. It had been weeks since they had been introduced by a mutual friend, and although they were both anxious to confirm their feelings through a kiss, the overwhelming nerves swarming within them had continuously acted as a barrier.

What the fuck are you doing? You're Cameron Boyce for Christ sake, he had told himself in an attempt of self-encouragement. Nevertheless, Cameron knew that the feelings he had for this woman ran deeper than anything he had ever felt prior, and he was absolutely terrified of messing it up.

But although the moment had been long-awaited, it had been worth every single minute. As the couple had stretched across a wool blanket placed in the back garden of Cameron's luxurious Los Angeles home, their restless eyes fixated upon the bright streaks burning across the dark sky and fading into the blackness of the night. And as her eyes lit up with each meteor that flashes before her, she did not see the way in which Cameron had turned his head to stare at her, deciding that his view of her was much more exquisite than the one in the sky. And when she felt his stare burning through her skin, she twisted her own head to meet his gaze. She noticed the way in which his eyes flickered to her mouth before returning to her face.

"I'm going to kiss you now," he had announced through a soft voice.

And when a tiny smile formed onto her face, he slipped his fingers into her hair, allowing the entirety of his hand to hold the back of her head, while his thumb caressed her cheek. And ever so slowly, their faces inched towards one another, feeling as if all time had frozen around them. She could feel her heart racing within her chest as they grew closer, and with the silence lingering between them, she felt as though she could his own heart thumping within him. When their lips had first brushed against one another, a wave of electricity shot through her body before instantly being replaced with an overwhelming sense of peace. With his bottom lip slipping in between her lips, the kiss had lasted only seconds. It had been just long enough for him to feel her warmth and taste her lip gloss, yet they had both longed for the kiss to last forever. And when their lips parted, a chuckle had fallen from them both, as they both knew that it was the start of something good.

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