Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Somebody’s calling me, but I can’t respond. Pain, more pain, and fire. That’s what greets me when I feel myself try to move. Darkness replaces the white light that blinded me. Hands appear ahead, two hands I remember well, my sister’s. Why is she here?

            “Get up; it’s time for you to wake up big sister.”

            “Don’t leave me Kaylyn… stay here.” She disappears in an instant.

            I’m brought back with three people surrounding me. My vision is blurry. I can make out that Erik is holding my hand but that’s about it. His hand comforts me as I close my eyes. “Snow White if I kiss you will you wake back up?” I don’t really know if Erik actually said that though it still comforted me. The pain is more than unbearable. It is a torturous stabbing sensation, heat radiating from it. When will this be over? I see everything around me again, gaining consciousness back. “My sweet Melinda, stay with us, you understand?”

            I try to answer but can’t. His hand caresses my cheek gently, making me feel like I can get through this. A few things go through my head: Blackness—light—Erik’s smile—him holding me. Nothing will help me move though. So, I try again even harder this time: Kaylyn smiling—us talking—Erik holding me tight against his body—Kaylyn talking about boys. This helps some to motivate my eyes. They suddenly open, taking one thing in, Erik’s gaze on me.


            “Shh, don’t speak, Melinda—everything’s fine—you’re fine.” His hands start going under my back. “I’m gonna pick you up, okay?” I just nod. He puts me up on the couch, smiling, trying to be gentle. Richard watched me; his eyes looked like they were a million years away from here though.

            “What happened? Did we win?” My voice sounded hoarse.

            “Nothing really got anywhere, considering we both heard about vampire hunters coming here, nobody wanted to fight. Now the real question is are you all right? Tell me how you’re feeling—no lies.” His green eyes were serious.

            “My neck and back kind of hurt—but don’t worry—I’m fine.”

            “You’re lucky, you know that? That stake just missed your heart because he got you from the back and missed by a few inches. Richard turn away I’m gonna lift up her shirt.”


            “To see if her back’s healed any yet just turn around for a few minutes.” With a sigh, he turned away.

            Erik’s hands ever so gently lift my shirt off. I quietly say ouch to myself. That makes him look at me like he knows I’m trying to hold back tears.

            “Richard should’ve been more careful when he took that damn stake out. Does this hurt?” I nod painfully at him. “I barely touched it—let me try putting something on it.”

            “It burns—please don’t.” I plead with him. Fire, that’s what the hole feels like, fire burning that puncture all the way around. He came back with a wrung out wash rag in his hand. Is he really going to try to put that on it?

            “It’s still bloody just hold still, please stay still for me.” The water barely touches my skin, and I have to hold back a scream. “There I’m done now. I have to find a way to get it looking better. Let me call Master Duvall.” I heard a lot of ‘I knows’ and ‘It’s looking bad’ through their phone conversation. Richard walked away from the living room to upstairs.

            “Am I going to make it, Erik?” Maybe I deserve to die; after all it is my fault for changing my friends. Did they deserve more than the life I gave them? Would they have had a better life if I hadn’t?

            “Of course you’re going to make it. What kind of silly question is that? Master Duvall is coming over to try something.”

            “Try what?” I asked curiously.

            “It’ll probably be really painful. Please be brave I can’t stand when you cry out in pain. I think I’m hurting you instead of helping.” His eyes turned a dark green all of a sudden. He held my hand until Master Duvall knocked on the door.

            Richard let him in, saying hello as he walked towards me. “Hello Melinda.”

            “Hi Master Duvall.”

            “Remember, you don’t have to be so formal with me. I wasn’t nor will I ever be your master. I am to Erik and Richard but not to you Melinda.”

            “Sorry. . . so what are you two gonna do?”

            “We’re getting some of Erik’s blood and putting it on your back. Hopefully that’ll do the trick.” Master Duvall seemed hopeful that that would work. “Get on your stomach for us sweetie,” Erik coaxed me.

            Getting on my stomach was somewhat painful, but I managed. The fire felt a little bit dull for once; hopefully it would stay that way. His blood better make this fire go away not that opposite and just make it worse.

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