Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

   Erik shook me softly, “Melinda, get up, I have a surprise for you.” I slowly opened my eyes.

       “What is it?” I yawned loudly. Something started licking my foot. A small puppy was at my toes, biting and nibbling them. “Puppy! You got me a puppy?” I squealed with excitement. I felt like a little girl on Christmas morning as our puppy licked my face.

       “She’s an early Christmas present,” he smiled in delight. “I named her Cloe—is that name good with you?”

       “Yes—Cloe it is!” The little puppy barked with excitement. “Even she likes it, don’t you girl?” I patted her head. “What breed is she?”

       “Not sure got her from a pound that doesn’t matter though, does it?”

       “No, of course not, she’s the cutest thing ever! Thank you Erik!” I kissed his cheek still smiling. That was when I felt a tiny trickle of something hit my underwear. I wasn’t quite sure if it was my water breaking, but I decided to keep calm. “Uhm—Erik—I think my water might’ve broke.”

       “What? Already? Now? Are you sure?” He was in complete shock more than I was. I just nodded my head slowly trying to let it sink in for him. “Somebody get the doctor in here! Right this second!” He added freaking out. Why was I this calm while Erik was flipping out? I could feel the outline of the baby some it felt odd. My doctor came rushing in through our door.

       “What is it Melinda?”

       “Uhm—I think my water broke—pretty sure,” I whimpered feeling a contraction.

       “Just relax everything will be okay. Erik sit her up some on her pillow.” He gently put my head up on my pillow. The next contraction hit me even harder, and I felt like I was going to break.

       “Doctor please freaking dope me up or something!” I yelled furiously.

       “Keep calm—just hold on for a little while. Erik put this robe on her.” He helped take off my clothes and put the hospital type robe on me. My doctor looked away to be polite, but I knew he was going to have to look at me there. The thought of that made me embarrassed a little.

       I grabbed onto Erik’s hand when the next contraction came, hopefully not too hard though. “Sweetie, the doctor’s gonna, as you said ‘dope you up’ soon, promise.” After what felt like years of waiting, a needle pricked into my arm, and I started feeling better already. I hate having an IV in my arm, but if it means no pain then hell yeah I’ll take it. “There, how’s that feel darling?”

       “A bit better.”

       “Good, you’re probably gonna have to push soon though since you’re a vampire. We’re not exactly sure since when you’ve been pregnant, but obviously this has gone very fast.” Push soon? Not yet, please lord, not yet, I’m not ready. A few minutes later my doctor told me to start pushing.

       “I can’t do this,” I whined loudly. “Give me a few more minutes.”

       “Melinda, I give you full permission to squeeze my hand as hard as you want, push.” I pushed hard with very little success.

       “Keep pushing Melinda,” my doctor coaxed me. I continued pushing and squeezing Erik’s hand until finally I pushed one last time. Once I heard our baby crying I collapsed exhausted.

       “Is it a Michael or Michelle Rose?” I gasped trying to get my breathing normal.

       “Michelle Rose,” he smiled brightly. It took me by surprise that he didn’t say Michael since we were both determined we would have a boy. After the doctor cleaned her up he put her in my arms wrapped in a blanket.

       “Hi Michelle,” her green eyes looked up at me, Erik’s eyes, she had his eyes. I couldn’t help but smile holding our baby in my arms. “Michelle Rose Henderson a name fit for a beautiful vampire Princess.”

       “I agree, may I hold her?” I handed her over to Erik for a few minutes. “She has my eyes and your beautiful smile.”

       “I know—I’m really tired though. . .”

       “Go ahead and sleep I’ll take care of Michelle,” he said kissing my forehead. “Sleep tight my beautiful Queen.” I reluctantly closed my eyes and fell asleep hearing Michelle’s laughter.

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