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*creaves are toddler sized creatures with owl bodies and rocky lizard-like tails. They are slow enough for a ghoul to catch them.

*Frost describes a period of four months where the ground freezes and trees go into a dormant sleep state. Most animals burrow to hibernate.


Ghoul groaned as she yanked herself upward to sit. While doing so she cracked every vertebrae in her spine and arms. The loud noise frightened the boys awake from their restless slumber. She stared at them again, not blinking.


Ghoul looked down to her stomach and thought 'need food'. The boys were scared out of their wits seeing as the rain hadn't stopped and the ghoul was hungry... with three potential meals, trapped, underground with her. Suddenly, as if the old gods had heard the boys' internal cries, the rain stopped. The eye of the storm was passing above. The boys let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.

Ghoul sprung upwards and was outside of safety in a flash. Unlike the humans she could smell this was no ordinary storm. There was only a small window of time in which she could get food. She quickly hunted as much prey as she could carry. She got two old creaves and a boar. She threw the carcasses in her hole and slid in after her successful hunt.

Boar make good pelt. Creave feather fill blankets.

The humans gawked at the bloody animals, that in general could cause them considerable damage when encountered. They sat amazed, still too scared to move, at how she managed to kill them.

Ghoul's sharp nails ripped down the middle of the boar first. She yanked out the entrails, from the tongue to the anus. She set them in a large clay pot off to the side. Then she got to work skinning it. Growing tired of her audience's stares, she yowled at them.

"Worthless! Help with kill. Remove feathers. *unintelligible annoyed grumbling*"

They immediately scrambled towards the creaves and started pulling the feathers out. When Ghoul finished skinning the boar she dragged the pelt and walked to the back of the cave and into a tunnel that went unnoticed by the boys. The tunnel led to a small underground stream in which Ghoul used to wash blood from her pelts before drying them.


A red tuft of hair stuck around the corner of the entrance to the stream. "W-we finished p-plucking the feathers you want-ted", Peter stood half hidden, too scared to intrude further on the creature who saved their lives. "I can build a fire in the other space so you can dry the skin....that is if you want".

Hmmmm. Rain not stop for another wake up. Need dry pelt. I like this one.

"Go make fire."

Peter blinked and smiled saying "O-ok", and scurried off to do as told. As he retreated you could hear the other two's confused murmurs.

When she was done, Ghoul returned to see a decent size fire and her wooden drying rack set up. Peter stood behind it, staring down bashfully. Ghoul straightened up and walked over to him (more of a horrifying hobble). Peter tensed with his eyes closed, fearing he'd done something wrong.

"Good pup"

When he opened them, Ghoul was already setting up the pelt to dry. Toby and Akash presented her with not only feather-less creaves but had also gutted them and placed them in her pot. Ghoul grunted in approval and began cooking her kills. The boar she decided to make into jerky for the winter months; there were very little hunting opportunities once the frost came.

She made soup with the entrails and served it with meat. As she sat back to eat her meal, she noticed the humans hesitantly staring at her.


They scrambled to serve themselves. Ghoul rolled her eyes at them.

"Thank you", Toby said lowly, "we haven't eaten this well in a long time...." Akash and Peter nodded their thanks as well. Ghoul grunted her response and they ate in silence. The rain, still pounding above on safety's tree. 


Alrighty, completed Part III

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

Lol I think this one is a bit longer than the first two but I wanted to just give you guys more info on the world the guys live in, some more of Ghoul's thoughts and a better idea of the inside of her home.

Might have a few grammar/spelling mistakes, please let me know so I can fix them. I've changed Akiash to Akash to make pronunciation easier, lmk if I missed changing any of the old spelling pls. Remember to vote you adorable silent readers. I still love y'all

 I still love y'all

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Until next time ✌️

To Eat or Not To Eat {Ongoing}Where stories live. Discover now