Sabines babysitter

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Third pov

Sabine woke up to be in a stinky messy diaper then the door open to be Ezra and she remembered he's babysitting her so she stretched her arms for him then he said ' ok you need to get out that dirty diaper anyway ' then he picked her up and held her by the diaper and laid her on the changing table then changed her in a clean pink diaper with her clan sign and a shirt he got her for Christmas that said I love my daddy Ezra then he picked her up and carried her to the common room and they played video games and it was lunch time so he grabbed a bottle of milk in a baby bottle and sat down and Sabine sat on his lap and Ezra made sure she was comfortable and started feed Sabine her milk then they started watching a movie with feeding Sabine her big bottle of milk then when it was gone they heard a wet fart from Sabine making Ezra ask ' Sabine do u need to poop ?' Then Sabine said 'Wes daddy' then Ezra said ' ok let it out ' while setting his free hand under her diaper she began to grunt and relisase a mess into her diaper then Ezra felt it and said ' wow what a load I bet it would make a good part for a cute mando then he stuck a purple pacifier in her mouth and asked 'how do u like me babysitting you?' Then Sabine grinned and Ezra said ' ok babe then they countined the movie happily.

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