AfterMath of Billy's Death

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Max's POV

Hi. As you all know, my step brother Billy is gone. It's been so hard dealing with it because my parents have totally shut me out. They don't talk to me anymore, nothing. I almost got kicked out of the house even. It's like they think it's my fault that Billy is gone. It's not my fault and my parents think it is. My dad just randomly comes in my room and starts abusing me while my mom stands there and watches with such anger in her eyes. "It's not my fault" I said to myself as tears came running down my face. I heard rocks being thrown at my window since I've been in my room all day. I got up and looked out my window, it was El. Before I opened my window I used my sleeve to wipe the tears coming down my cheeks. I opened up my window, still wiping the tears away. "El, what are you doing here? You know your not supposed to be here" I whispered but loud enough so she could hear me. "I know, but Max, I just wanted to check on you. To see if you were okay, it's obvious that your not." I just looked at her. Thank god my parents arnt home right now. "Can I come in or not? It looks like it's about to rain" god she's so cute. But I also miss Billy. I wish that stupid mind flayer thing never even gotten him. If it didn't, billy would still be here and my parents wouldn't have totally shut me out and my dad wouldn't be abusing me like he does now. "Max?" I looked at her and then the sky, I sighed. "Yeah sure, but hurry okay?" She started climbing up on top of the little roof that I had by my window. I stepped back so she could get in. As soon as she got into my room it started pouring. I shut my window fast but really quiet. I sighed again. Great, it's starts raining on a sad day like this. I just was crying not that long ago. Whoop-de-fuckin doo. "Max?" I turned around to look at El. "Yeah el?" She stepped towards me and looked me in the eyes. "Are you doing okay?" I wanted to say yes but I knew that was a lie. "No" I shook my head and looked down. I looked back up and explained to her about everything that's going on. By the time I was done I had tears coming out of my eyes. She wrapped her arms around me as I continued to cry. The tears wouldn't stop falling. "Shh, it's going to be okay, I promise". I just had my head on her shoulder as she still had her arms wrapped around me. "Let's try to go do something. Try to get everything off your mind." I looked up at her and just softly nodded and said "okay" I got up off my bed and looked out my window. It must of stopped raining since I told El what was going on. "Max, are you going to open the window?" I must of been in my thoughts for to long because I haven't opened the window yet. "Yeah, yeah, uh...sorry" I opened the window and started to climb out the window. "Hey Max, your forgetting something." I stopped and got confused. She had a small smile on her lips. "What? I don't think I remem-" I got cut off by a soft pair of lips against mine. I immediately closed my eyes and my hand went up to El's cheek while my other hand held me steady since half my body was outside the window. El's arms were around my neck and moved my legs so they were back inside my room and me still sitting in the window sill. El moved so she was in between my legs as my arms went down and around her waist and pulled her closer to my body as possible. If this isn't love then I don't know what is. I mean I've had the longest crush on El since I first saw her. She was absolutely beautiful. Breath taking. And now here we are in my room, in the window, making out. I went from her lips to her jawline to her neck. She moved her head back giving me more access to her neck. El's breath had hitched as I had found her weak spot and sucked and bit her skin slightly but then licking it afterwards. I heard a small moan come from her lips. I kissed her neck on the spot I left my mark. I went back up her neck and back to her lips. She had kissed me back. We kissed for quite awhile and stopped as I leaned my forehead up against hers. Both out of breath, but I smiled at her as she gave a smile back. "I love you Max" I smiled so wide I didn't think it was possible to smile any bigger. "I love you too, El" I pecked her lips and then climbed out the window and waited for El. Once she had gone out the window and the window was shut we decided to walk somewhere. As we did I reached for her hand, she seemed to jump a little but she looked over at me with a small smile. I had smiled back as I asked her where we were going. "I don't know, where do you wanna go?" I chuckled. "I don't mind where we go as long as I'm with you" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. We stopped walking and we both smiled at each other. I leaned in and kissed her as she kissed back.

GUESS WHOS BACK! BACK AGAIN! ITS BEEN SO LONG I KNOW IM SO SORRY! I decided to take a break but now I'm back!!! And there will be a 4th part to Girlfriend but that one will take a while I hope you guys respect this. Again I'm so sorry. I love you all and hope your day/night was good. I love you muah! 💕

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